Fix charcadet line
Added compatibility for 1.6
- Bulbasaur
- Ivysaur
- Venasaur
- Shellos
- Gastrodon
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Porygon-Z
- Rhyperior
- Palafin
- Add support for cherry tree torterra
- Add missing sprites #1010 - #1025
- Center all sprites to increase accuracy of the mini-map
- Fixes issue with Decidueye and Samurott Hisuian forms
- Update for Cobblemon 1.5
- Fixes the following textures: Gimmighoul, Aggron, Jangmo-o line
Fixed issue with Zubat in Cobblemon 1.4.1
- Fixed issue with Pikachu alolan variant
- Fixed issue with Exeggcute alolan variant
- Added support for Komala variants
- Added variants for Miltank
- Added variants for Forretress
- First version to add shiny stars to make shiny Pokemon more visible.

Version without stars will still be available. Pick the one you'd like from the versions tab!
Version with stars has the extra "_stars" in its name.
Fixed issue with Mr. Mime
Fixed issue with Phantump line
Fixed issue with Alcremie rainbow swirl
Updated to latest version of the sprite sheet by @mbcmechachu
Updated definition to support all future default Cobblemon
- Fixed squawkabilly sprites (shiny was being used as default)
- Updated to support Cobblemon 1.4.0