If you don't want to use mods, download VANILLA version in Additional files
Update logs:
Version 2.0 is finally here!
Villagers GUIs! With variants for all professions and biomes! With animation! (OptiGUI+Animatica exclusive, not tested on OptiFine)
Better vanilla alternative! Now supports Dispenser/Dropper, Barrel, Ender chest and ridable entities (horse, llama, etc.) textures without need to install any mods!
New GUI variants:
- Minecart with chest
- Boats with chest (1.21.2+)
- Chipped, damaged anvil variants (OptiGUI exclusive)
- Background for text for named shulker boxes (OptiFine/OptiGUI exclusive)
Animated textures:
- Furnace fire animation (1.20.2+)
- XP bar animation (1.20.2+)
- Dispencer, Dropper animations (OptiFine/OptiGUI+Animatica exclusive)
Small textures changes/fixes:
- Ender chest, trapped chest, barrel
- Furnace, blast furnace, smoker
- Crafter
- Crafting table
- Enchanting table
- Cartography table
- Inventory
- Beacon
- Stonecutter
- Bundle fill bar
- New languages support
- OptiGUI verison 3.0+ support
Now supported mods:
Initial release