- added bamboo textures
- added bee nest and bee hive textures
- added goat and ravager textures
- added seagrass and sea pickle textures
- added composter textures
- fixed the creaking mob texture to use the right pale oak log texture
- added azeala bushes and azeala leaves (including flowering variants
- improved wolf armor item and 3d textures
- improved leaf litter
- improved cactus flower
- updated pack format
- improved leaf litter
- Added new piglin texture (Including brutes and zombie piglins.)
- Fixed gilded blackstone texture
- Added from the fog compatibility
- removed duplicate files
- Added a new deepslate block side and top texture (including deepslate ores)
- Removed some duplicate files
- Added old pre 25w08a spawn eggs
- Added new sheep wool undercoat texture
- Improved dried kelp texture
- improved crossbow texture
- improved glow Inc Sac
- Removed a few duplicate files
- Removed unnecessary files
- improved Blackstone texture
- improved cobbled deepslate texture
- tweaked basalt texture
- improved sweet berries item texture
- improved mangrove roots texture
- improved amethyst texture
- improved ancient debris texture
- improved shroomlight texture
- improved cherry mangrove and pale logs and leaves
- Added a new pack icon by NicSonic
- Improved bundles textures
- improved honeycomb block texture
- added pre 1.12 2d bed item icons
- Added pre 1.12 wool colors
- improved polished deepslate texture
- improved chiseled deepslate texture
- improved tuff related block textures
- Tweaked the copper related block textures to look a little more like vanilla
- Tweaked the raw ore item textures
- remade resin bricks and chiseled resin bricks
- made a better bogged texture
- Removed mob name changes (except for pigmen which were not removed)
- Added new tuff & and polished tuff and tuff bricks texture
- added small fixes for the legacy4j mod like the realms icon and sign in icon
- added improved bundles
- improved leaf litter texture
- improved trial spawners texture
- improved trial vault textures
- remade cherry logs and mangrove logs
- tweaked mangrove and cherry leaves
- Added new chicken variants textures
- Added cactus flower texture
- Added tall and dry grass textures
- Improved pig variant textures
- Tweaked raw copper texture
- Added Raw Iron, Raw gold and raw copper item textures.
- Improved Netherite Scrap Item Texture
- Improved Resin Clump Item Texture
- Added Creaking Heart Texture
- Removed Stray Renaming
- Added Achievement Chat Lang
- Removed 3d Mace (You can add this back with vanilla tweaks
- Added leather horse armor texture (for some reason this isnt in base programmer art)
- Improved Copper Related Block Textures
- Improved Brush Texture
- Improved Mace Texture
- Added 3d Mace Model From Vanilla Tweaks
- Added Old Drowned Texture
- Added Name Changes With a lang file
- Renamed Drowned To Water Zombie
- Renamed Stray To Frost Skeleton
- Renamed Hoglin To Pigbeast
- Renamed Zoglin To Zombie Pigbeast
- Renamed Advancements To Achievements
- Renamed Bogged To Moss Skeleton
- Renamed Warped And Crimson Stems To Logs
- Ranamed Warped And Crimson Hyphae To Wood
- Added new cow variants textures
- Added bush and firefly bush textures
- Added cracked and chiseled nether bricks
Added New Leaf Litter Texture
Added New Ancient Debris Texture
Improved new pig varaint sprites.
Added leaf litter texture
Added new pig variants (texture will change in the future)
fixed missing warped planks texture :skull:
Added the panorama from the Better Together update
Added the old pixelated minecraft logo
Added the old mojang logo from pre 1.16 (Requires optifine or puzzle)