- Desaturated snowy mountains (frozen & jagged peaks, groves, snowy slopes) and stony peaks sky colors.
- Changed snowy mountains sky color to be less purple.
- Changed sky color for snowy slopes, frozen peaks, groves, and jagged peaks to be slightly darker
- New sky color for stony peaks
- New sky colors for snowy mountains (Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks, Groves, and Snowy Slopes)
- Changed the mushroom fields sky and fog color to be more purple and vibrant.
- New sky color for Cherry Groves.
- Changed Frozen River sky color to match Snowy Plains.
Changed sky colors for:
- Badlands
- Eroded Badlands
- Wooded Badlands
- Desert
- Jungle
- Bamboo Jungle
- Sparse Jungle
- Mangrove Swamp
- Swamp
- Forest
- Birch Forest
- Dark Forest
- Taiga
- Old Growth Pine Taiga
- Old Growth Spruce Taiga
- Snowy Plains
- Snowy Taiga
- Ice Spikes