Owl's Vanilla Refined
Tweaks the vanilla textures for a better playing experience
Minecraft: Java Edition
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Owl's Vanilla Refined is a resource pack that attempts to make the game more pleasing to the eye. It currently add a dark mode Bedrock Edition-inspired GUI, improved block and item textures with better coloring and/or texturing, brighter grass and foliage, less instrusive particles and more!
This isn't a complete and finished resource pack and I'll try to update it as I add more features to it. This also isn't supposed to change every texture in the game, but instead only change those that I believe need improving.
This resource pack is inspired by Vanilla Tweaks, I really love that pack and decided to make my own take on it. That's why some things, like pebbleless dirt and shorter grass, might sound familiar.
~~ Blocks ~~
- Melon stems are green and pumpkin stems are orange to differentiate them
- Campfires that are extinguished don't show any ash
- All dirt variants don't show gray pebbles in them anymore
- Stone bricks and its variants have a new texture to make them a little less flat, inspired by deepslate bricks
- All grass-like blocks (grass blocks, nylium, podzol, etc) have longer sides to make hills more realistic and overall better looking, and some have a shadow between the grass and dirt parts to look nicer
- Dark oak leaves are darker than oak leaves and have a unique texture
- Grass and tall grass are shorter
- Ferns are much wider but also shorter while large ferns connect to the ground better
- Hay bales are a more realistic color to make them more useful in builds
- The color of the moss on mossy blocks is closer to the moss block's colors
- The text on the side of TNTs is now in standard galactic alphabet (enchantment table language) to fit in better in the Minecraft universe
- Unstable TNT, the TNT variant only accessible though the debug stick, has a different more orange texture
- Petrified oak slabs have a unique gray wood texture, essentially adding a new wood type. It is however locked in creative mode unless you use a data pack that makes it obtainable in survival, like Owl's Ultimate QoL (my own data pack).
- Magma blocks have a more similar texture to netherrack, but are less saturated to fit in well in the overworld's oceans and aquifers
- The front chiseled bookshelf texture is smoother and has less contrast
- Bedrock is darker and based on the deepslate texture instead of the stone texture to accomodate with 1.18's changes to world gen
- Glowstone and glowstone dust textures are brighter and glowier
- All chest textures have been remade to be much more pleasing to the eye, removing the green parts and adding more texture
- The cobweb texture is darker with a blue-ish tint, and has a completely new model in order to be fuller and more visible from all directions
- Gold, emerald and diamond blocks use the textures from the third Texture Update beta, with some minor coloration tweaks
- Decaying leaves show as orange/red/brown dead leaves
- Deepslate tile and cracked deepslate tile textures are completely remade to tile better and have more texture
- Nether brick, cracked nether brick and chiseled nether brick textures have been altered to have more texture
- The inside of the mushroom block texture is spongier and more textured
- Red mushroom blocks have larger white dots
- Chorus plant and flower textures have better looking colors
- Purpur blocks and pillars have slightly more rounded shapes and slightly more hue-shifting
- The flower pot texture has a rim, like the item sprite
- All pumpkin textures feel more rounded and colors are slightly tweaked
- The redstone lamp textures have a better looking outline to look nicer when tiled, and the unlit version is darker while the lit version is brighter
- Piston textures are modernized to make plank part look more like the current oak plank texture and to make sticky pistons have sticky sides for easier identification
- Buttons use a unique texture instead of reusing the base material texture to look smoother and more like a button
- Pressure plates use a unique texture instead of reusing the base material texture to add an outline to make them look more unique
~~ Items ~~
- The shield is held lower to not block your vision as much
- The brick's colors are more accurate to the brick block
- On all shovels, part of the blade is darker to indicate that there is a curve
- All music discs except for 5 have a retexture to be more in line with the modern Jappa textures, since they were not changed during the texture update
- Disc Fragment 5 is no longer the same colors as 5 but instead gray, which makes sense when you see the disc crafting recipes in my data pack, Owl's Ultimate QoL
- The sniffer egg item is less tall so that it doesn't touch the borders of the slots in the inventory
- The basic seed items have a bit more shading
- Wheat seeds are gold in color, mimicking their real life color
- When held in the offhand, Totems of Undying don't render to not fill up the screen for nothing
- Beds show a 2d sprite in the inventory instead of a 3d view, with textures similar to the bed textures in Bedrock Edition, but redone to have more accurate colors
~~ Entities ~~
- The beacon beam is more pixel consistent
- The rods that spin around the blaze use the correct texture for the underside
- The enderman texture is smoother
- The cow, mooshroom and brown mooshroom textures have spots that actually line up properly and the mooshroom's spots are also more yellowish
~~ GUI ~~
- The GUI is completely revamped to be dark mode, with flatter buttons and green highlights when a button is selected. There is also mod support for the following mods: Capes, Inventory Sorting, Item Favorites, Mod Menu, Quickstack (the one on Modrinth), Better Recipe Books and Entity Texture Features, all of which are for Fabric. The GUI is inspired by Bedrock Edition's new-ish create new world and achievements menu
- Bars like the XP bar and boss health bars are more square, brighter and simpler
- The hearts and armor icons above the hotbar are more detailed
~~ Particles ~~
- Some particles, namely the crit particle, the effect particle, the enchanted hit particle, the glitter particle and the spell particle are smaller to be less obtrusive
~~ Misc ~~
- The moon and the sun are rounder
- Rain is less obtrusive
- The carved pumpkin overlay is translucent, allowing you to see through it better while still giving you a bit of a disadvantage
- Both colormaps, foliage and grass, are more saturated to give grass a bright color in most cases
- The grass in dry biomes (savannas and deserts) is more gold in color, making it more unique and prettier
- The grass in cold biomes (taigas, snowy biomes, etc) is very slightly more blue