This is a big one
- Campfires
- Creaking heart
- Slabs states
- Stairs states
- Waterlogging for stairs, walls, signs, ladders, chests, fences, slabs, campfires, big dripleaves and some others probably
- Powered overlay for hoppers, note blocks, doors, trapdoors, fence gates, bells, observers, dispensers, droppers
- [POLYTONE ONLY] Custom creative tab with certain blockstates and items. Currently only used for lit redstone lamp my beloved and the custom armor stands
- fixed brick and tile walls
- changed tnt overlay so that its fullbright in the inventory
Added the following:
- Observer (it works without any other resource packs, but preferably add one that changes the observer more when active to see changes in the gui)
- Mushroom blocks
- Bell
- All signs
- Lantern and soul lantern
Also added snowy grass, mycelium and podzol blocks. All of the above have their blockstates reflected (except signs since those are separate blocks)
- All Buttons and pressure plates
- All fences, and walls (with their respective blockstates aswell)
- Sculk catalyst
- Big dripleaf and blockstate for the small dripleaf
- Lectern
- Lightning rod
Also changed the sculk sensor to also use its blockstates
With that, most of the redstone tab is now done
First update so far. Got into a nice workflow now, so things are going fast
Added carry animations and blockstates if applicable for the following:
- All boats
- All trapdoors and fence gates
- Structure blocks
- Enchanting table
- Armor stands
For the armor stands, you can get the variants with the following commands:
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"false", NoBasePlate: "false"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:false, NoBasePlate: false, id: "armor_stand"}]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"false", NoBasePlate: "true"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:false, NoBasePlate: true, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{color: gray, text: "No base plate"}']]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"true", NoBasePlate: "false"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:true, NoBasePlate: false, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{color: gray, text: "Shows arms"}']]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"true", NoBasePlate: "true" }, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:true, NoBasePlate: true, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{"text": "No base plate", color: gray}', '{color: gray, text: "Shows arms"}']]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"false", NoBasePlate: "false", Invisible:"true"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:false, NoBasePlate: false, Invisible:true, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{color: gray, text: "Invisible"}']]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"false", NoBasePlate: "true", Invisible:"true"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:false, NoBasePlate: true, Invisible:true, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{color: gray, text: "Invisible"}', '{"text": "No base plate", color: gray}']]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"true", NoBasePlate: "false", Invisible:"true"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:true, NoBasePlate: false, Invisible:true, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{color: gray, text: "Invisible"}', '{color: gray, text: "Shows arms"}']]
/give @p armor_stand[minecraft:block_state={ShowArms:"true", NoBasePlate: "true", Invisible:"true"}, minecraft:entity_data={ShowArms:true, NoBasePlate: true, Invisible:true, id: "armor_stand"}, lore=['{color: gray, text: "Invisible"}', '{"text": "No base plate", color: gray}', '{color: gray, text: "Shows arms"}']]
There were also some internal changes. You can now get most carry textures by giving the item with block_state={display: ui}
, mostly the ones that dont have a placed block model