a109118 1.20.2-pre1
6db1a2a Fix wrong packet type being used
6253738 Fix MetaTypes1_20_2 item type
a9288eb 23w35a
8dbc8e8 Update mappings file for 23w33a
0c9f3aa 23w33a
00625be Move 1.9 backwards protocols to VB and move Chunk Types to the correct package (#3404)
e112f81 Optimize memory allocation for data palette (#3402)
23f776a Handle minecart blocks
50176dc Include link to commit in autopublished changelog
1.20 client support
- Improved 1.12->1.13 translatable handling
- Fixed >1.18 vibration particle handling
- Fixed 1.12->1.13 redstone blockconnections
- Fixed old expected behavior of entity teleport packets working on the client's entity in 1.19.3->1.19.4 (by RaphiMC)
- Fixed records not stopping in 1.19.3->1.19.4 (by Camotoy)
- Fixed a magical startup error sometimes appearing
- Fixed high CPU usage on Java 8 due to a Java bug (by RaphiMC)