🟨 Newest version for 1.21.4 (v2.1.0)
1.21.4 versions entered Beta phase. User experience will be the same level it's in the stable versions.
🎯 Highlights
- Modpack will now use your native language by default.
- Your Zoomify configuration will now be reserved on each upcoming modpack update.
- Several previously unavailable mods are now available for 1.21.4 versions.
🎈 Major changes:
- Achievements Optimizer, Enhanced Block Entities, ParticleCore, FastQuit, and Palladium are now available for 1.21.4
- If the modpack is installed for the first time, it will now default to using your native language.
⚖️ Version stability:
- The modpack is now almost as stable as it can get. The only reason it's still in beta is because Methane still remains to be unavailable for the time being.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Async
- C2ME
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- GpuTape
- ImmediatelyFast
- Lithium
- Mod Menu
- Modern Fix
- More Culling
- Sodium
- Very Many Players
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.4 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- Nvidium
- ThreadTweak
- Immersive Optimization
Methane(ScalableLux as a temporary replacement)
These mods missing will barely affect your overall performance anymore.
🟦 Newest version for 1.21.1 (v2.1.0)
🎯 Highlights
- Modpack will now use your native language by default.
- Your Zoomify configuration will now be reserved on each upcoming modpack update.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Cleaned up some old configuration files.
- Updated several mods.
- Ksyxis was re-added since it just made the game feel much quicker.
🎈 Major changes:
- If the modpack is installed for the first time, it will now default to using your native language.
- Immersive Optimization is now available for 1.21.1 modpacks.
- Removed Nvidium because Sodium v0.5.12 was not compatible with it. For your everyday use, the performance improvements of the new Sodium version will probably be more significant than having Nvidium installed with the older Sodium version.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Achievements Optimizer
- Async
- C2ME
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FzzyConfig
- GpuTape
- ImmediatelyFast
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- MoreCulling
- Palladium
- ParticleCore
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Very Manu Players
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.1 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- DashLoader
- Mobtimizations
These two missing mods cause no noticeable issues to your daily experience.
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.21.1 yet:
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
◻️ Newest version for 1.20.1 (v2.1.0)
🎯 Highlights
- Modpack will now use your native language by default.
- Your Zoomify configuration will now be reserved on each upcoming modpack update.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Removed Palladium since it was causing a boot crash with Debugify. (This will likely be fixed in the future.)
- Perfected several configs for better performance.
- Fast Portals was removed due to it being removed from Modrinth and also for it just bringing little to no performance improvements.
- Cleaned up numerous old configuration files.
- Updated several mods.
- Ksyxis was re-added since it just made the game feel much quicker.
🎈 Major changes:
- If the modpack is installed for the first time, it will now default to using your native language.
- Removed Nvidium because Sodium v0.5.12 was not compatible with it. For your everyday use, the performance improvements of the new Sodium version will probably be more significant than having Nvidium installed with the older Sodium version.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- C2ME
- Entity Culling
- Exordium
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fzzy Config
- GpuTape
- ImmediatelyFast
- Immersive Optimization
- Ksyxis
- ModernFix
- Palladium
- Sodium
- ToadLib
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.20.1 yet:
- Async (1.21.X)
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
Fourth Alpha release for 1.21.4 versions. All of the main optimizations are present, more info in details.
- Your Sodium options won't reset on each modpack update from now on.
- Removed unnecessary mods for a smoother experience and faster boot times.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Fabric Loader to v0.16.10
- Updated several ModernFix config options for perfrormance gains
🎈 Major changes:
- Added No Chat Reports
- Your (Sodium) video settings will not reset on each modpack update from now on.
- Removed the following mods that didn't bring any perfrormance noticeable gains and only slowed down the boot process: RailOptimization, Fast IP Ping, and Faster Random. These mods were removed to follow the goal of Latency Nullifier; having as little mods as possible. You can still find these mods in Client Necessities in case you need some of the functionality they provide. This act should only imrpove your general perfrormance and especially boot times.
⚖️ Version stability:
- All of the main optimization mods are in place, so you won't be missing out on any major optimizations. The lightning engine also still remains to be only optimized instead of being completely removed by Methane for the 1.21.4 versions since it's not available yet.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Async
- C2ME
- Debugify
- Fabric API
- Lithium
- Mod Menu
- More Culling
- Very Many Players
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.4 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- DashLoader
- Exordium
- Immersive Optimization
- Palladium
- Achievements Optimizer
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Mobtimizations
- Nvidium
Methane(ScalableLux as a temporary replacement)
Even with some mods missing, the impact on your performance will not be noticeably negative.
1.21.1 Versions will from now on be treated as stable releases
- Removed unnecessary mods for a smoother experience and faster boot times.
- Your Sodium options won't reset on each modpack update from now on.
- Optimized distant entity performance consumption.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Fabric Loader to v0.16.10
- Updated several ModernFix config options for perfrormance gains
- Removed StutterFix and LazyDFU because they conflicted with ThreadTweak and, as a result, slowed down the game.
- Removed Spark, since Latency Nullifier shouldn't include it.
- Removed Ksyxis since the modern Minecraft versions already speed up the world loading enough, and we try to avoid unnecessary mods.
🎈 Major changes:
- Added No Chat Reports
- Your (Sodium) video settings will not reset on each modpack update from now on.
- Added a new optimization mod Does It Tick that optimizes entity performance by cancelling their ticking if one is far away.
- Added another new optimization mod Exordium that prioritizes world rendering by lowering FPS in Containers and UI elements.
- Removed the following mods that didn't bring any perfrormance noticeable gains and only slowed down the boot process: Client Side Noteblocks, ThreatenGL, RailOptimization, Fast IP Ping, Disable Portal Checks, Server Pinger Fixer, and Faster Random. These mods were removed to follow the goal of Latency Nullifier; having as little mods as possible. You can still find these mods in Client Necessities in case you need some of the functionality they provide. This act should only imrpove your general perfrormance and especially boot times.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Async
- Concurrent Managment Engine
- Fzzy Config
- Lithium
- Sodium
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.1 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- DashLoader
- Mobtimizations
These two missing mods cause no noticeable issues to your daily experience.
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.21.1 yet:
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
1.20.1 versions will from now on be maintained for backwards compability
- Removed unnecessary mods for a smoother experience and faster boot times.
- Your Sodium options won't reset on each modpack update from now on.
- Added dynamic entity ticking optimizations based on the distance and visibility.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Fabric Loader to v0.16.10
- Updated several ModernFix config options for perfrormance gains
- Removed StutterFix and LazyDFU because they conflicted with ThreadTweak and, as a result, slowed down the game.
🎈 Major changes:
- Added No Chat Reports
- Your (Sodium) video settings will not reset on each modpack update from now on.
- Added a new optimization mod Immersive Optimization that dynamically slows down culled and distant entity ticking.
- Added another new optimization mod Exordium that prioritizes world rendering by lowering FPS in Containers and UI elements.
- Removed the following mods that didn't bring any noticeable perfrormance gains and only slowed down the boot process: Client Side Noteblocks, ThreatenGL, RailOptimization, Fast IP Ping, Server Pinger Fixer, Faster Random, and Brute Force Rendering Culling. These mods were removed to follow the goal of Latency Nullifier; having as little mods as possible. You can still find these mods in Client Necessities in case you need some of the functionality they provide. This act should only imrpove your general perfrormance and especially boot times.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Fzzy Config
- Lithium
- Sodium
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.20.1 yet:
- Async (1.21.X)
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
- Your options.txt file will be reserved on every modpack update starting from now.
- New optimization mod Async was added which greatly optimizes entity ticking.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Fixed boats falling abnormal speeds (By disabling fix MC-108948 from Debugify)
- Changed default simulation distance to 6 (To match other modpacks)
- Removed BoatBreakFix since it didn't really have any positive performance impact and only slowed down the boot process
🎈 Major changes:
- From now on, your options.txt file will not reset to the modpack defaults after every modpack update.
- A new optimization mod Async was added which massively optimizes entity performance by spreading entity calculations across multiple CPU cores.
- ModernFix is now available for 1.21.4
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Fabric API
- GpuTape
- ScalableLux
- Sodium
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.4 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- Nvidium
- Achievements Optimizer
- StutterFix
- ThreadTweak
- Enhanced Block Entities
- ParticleCore
- FastQuit
- Fzzy Config
- Client Side Noteblocks
- Brute force Rendering Culling
- Palladium
Even with some mods missing, the modpack still includes all of it's notable features and optimizations.
- Your options.txt file will be reserved on every modpack update starting from now.
- New optimization mod Async was added which greatly optimizes entity ticking.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Removed BoatBreakFix since it didn't really have any positive performance impact and only slowed down the boot process
🎈 Major changes:
- From now on, your options.txt file will not reset to the modpack defaults after every modpack update.
- A new optimization mod Async was added which massively optimizes entity performance by spreading entity calculations across multiple CPU cores.
- Another new optimization mod Palladium was added which provides deduplication, improved memory control, and enhanced mob AI.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Fabric API
- GpuTape
- ModernFix
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.1 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- Brute force Rendering Culling
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.21.1 yet:
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
- Your options.txt file will be reserved on every modpack update starting from now.
- New optimization mods were added.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Removed BoatBreakFix since it didn't really have any positive performance impact and only slowed down the boot process
- No Telemetry was removed since Debugify already has this feature
🎈 Major changes:
- From now on, your options.txt file will not reset to the modpack defaults after every modpack update.
- A new optimization mod Brute Force Rendering Culling was added. This mod culls invisible chunks beyond the vanilla game, reducing a portion of the overhead in chunk compilation and rendering.
- Another new optimization mod Palladium was added which provides deduplication, improved memory control, and enhanced mob AI.
⏫ Updated mods
- Fabric API
- GpuTape
- ModernFix
- Debufigy is now available for 1.21.4. It is recommended to update to this version, Debugify offers many QoL and performance fixes
⚠️ The following mods are not available for 1.21.4 yet, but will be added in upcoming modpack versions as the mods get updated:
- Nvidium
- Achievements Optimizer
- StutterFix
- ThreadTweak
- ModernFix
- Enhanced Block Entities
- ParticleCore
Methane(ScalableLux as a temporary replacement)- FastQuit
- Fzzy Config
- Client Side Noteblocks
Even with some mods missing, the modpack still includes all of it's notable features and optimizations.
🎈 First release for 1.21.4 Fabric
⚠️ The following mods are not available for 1.21.4 yet, but will be added in upcoming modpack versions as the mods get updated:
- Nvidium
- Achievements Optimizer
- StutterFix
- ThreadTweak
Debugify(No Telemetry as a temporary replacement)- ModernFix
- Enhanced Block Entities
- ParticleCore
Methane(ScalableLux as a temporary replacement)- FastQuit
- Fzzy Config
- Client Side Noteblocks
Even with some mods missing, the modpack still includes all of it's notable features and optimizations.
⏫ Updated mods:
- BadOptimizations
- Entity Culling
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- Very Many Players
- YetAnotherConfigLib
🎈Major changes:
- Modpack now uses Fabric for easier maintenance purposes
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.1 modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
⏫ Updated mods:
- Entity Culling
- Fabric API
- FerriteCore
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- Lithium
- ModernFix
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Quilt loader to v0.27.0
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.1 modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
⏫ Updated mods:
- Entity Culling
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- ModernFix
- ServerCore
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Quilt loader to v0.27.0
- Perfected Zoomify config
🎈Major changes:
- Re-Added MoreCulling
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Disabled the Narrator with a vanilla setting
- Updated Quilt Loader to 0.27.0-beta.1
- Updated StutterFix config
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.X modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
⏫ Updated mods:
- BadOptimizations
- Entity Culling
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fast IP Ping
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Changed FOV to 90
- Enabled the (Creative mode) operator tab by default
- Updated Zoomify config
- Updated StutterFix config
- Made leaves cull after 2 blocks (If graphics are on Fancy)