Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
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What does this modpack offer?
- 🌎 Overhauled Biomes — Can you explore all 90+ new biomes on your journey?
- 🧊 More Blocks — Build your dream house with over 11,000 unique block variants!
- 🏕️ Custom Structures — Have you always wanted vanilla structures to be reimagined? Now they are!
- 🎒 Backpacks — Now you can explore without fearing your inventory slots!
- 🎯 Bounty Quests — Prove your worth by completing bounty quests and claim your rewards!
- 🍞 Culinary Arts — Master baking and explore a variety of farming-related activities!
- 📷 Photography — Turn your memories into framed art that lasts forever!
- 🫎 New Animals — Looks like it’s time to start your own zoo!
- 🔊 Custom Sounds — Get lost in sounds that make you feel like you're on an adventure!
- ☠️ Expanded Archaeology — Feel like a true archaeologist with more tools and items!
- 🌌 Warden Dimension — Ever wondered what lies beneath the bedrock? Guess it's time to find out.
- 🔮 The End — The End is now lost, far away and full of mystery...
[Hint: Talk to a cartographer villager]

If you encounter any glitches & crashes, or if you have any suggestions, you can tell me by joining Discord or either opening an issue on GitHub
Before reporting, please check the Known Issues wiki page, as some issues already have fixes.
❔ F.A.Q
- Q: Where can I find Elysium Days on CurseForge?
- A: Elysium Days will never be hosted on CurseForge due to various dramas and other reasons.
- Q: Will Elysium Days be backported to versions below 1.20.1?
- A: No, Elysium Days is planned only for 1.20.1 and later versions.
- Q: Where can I find the server files for Elysium Days?
- A: There are no specific files for servers. However, you can learn how to get the ZIP version of the modpack from the Elysium Days Wiki.
📜 Mod List (293)
3D Skin Layers by tr7zw
Advanced Netherite by Autovw
Advancement Plaques by Grend
Ambient Enviorment by Jaredlll08
AmbientSounds by creativemd
Amendments by MehVahdJukaar
Animal Feeding Trough by Slexom
AppleSkin by Squeek502
Architectury API by MaxNeedsSnacks
Armor Trim Item Fix by MincraftEinstein
Athena Terrarium Studios
Attribute Fix by Darkhax
Axes Are Weapons by Fourmisain
BE Style Wither by morimori0317
Backported Wolves by EmilSG
Balm by BlayTheNinth
Beautify: Refabricated by Suel_ki
Better Archeology by Pandarix
Better Advancements by way2muchnoise
Better Combat by ZsoltMolnarrr
Better Conduit Placement by Serilum
Better End Cities Vanilla by The-Architects727
Better Mount HUD by Lortseam
Better Night Vision by Microcontrollers
Better Ping Display [Fabric] by Vladmarica
Better Safe Bed by frankV
Better Statistics Screen by TheCSDev
Better Statistics Screen by TheCSDev
Better Tridents by Fuzs
Better Trim Tooltips by Andrew6rant
Blur (Fabric) by Motschen
Boat Item View by 50ap5ud5
Boids by Tomate0613
Bookshelf Lib by Darkhax
Bountiful by Ejektaflex
Break Free by Potota
Bushier Flowers by Pandarix
CIT Resewn by Shsupercm
CTOV - Friends and Foes Compat by ChoiceTheorem
Cake Chomps by TheIllusiveC4
Calm down, dog! by F14M3-C
Camps. Castles. Carriages. by Eugene
Capes by Caelthecolher
Charm Of Undying by TheIllusiveC4
Chat Animation by Ezzenix
Chat Heads by Dzwdz
Cherished Worlds by TheIllusiveC4
Chipped by Terrarium Studios
ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village by ChoiceTheorem
Clean F3 by Tyrannus00
Clean Tooltips by Mandala Creations
ClickThrough Plus by Cassian
Cloth Config API by Shedaniel
Clumps by Jaredlll08
Collective by Serilum
Comforts by TheIllusiveC4
Companion by Snownee
Connected Doors by Domi
Continuity by PepperCode1
Controlling by Jaredlll08
Crawl by Fewizz
CreativeCore by Creativemd
Creeper Overhaul by Joo5h
Crying Portals by Serilum
Cubes Without Borders by Kir_Antipov
Custom Splash Screen by Motschen
Dark Paintings by Darkhax
Debugify by isxander
Deeper and Darker by Nitrodynamite18
Dismount Entity by Serilum
Distracting Trims by Darkhax
Drip Sounds [Fabric] by PieKing1215
Dyed by yurisuika
Easy Anvils by Fuzs
Easy Magic by Fuzs
Eating Animation by Theoness1
Elysium Days Tweaks by Fyoncle & Shizotoaster
Elytra Slot by TheIllusiveC4
Elytra Trims by KikuGie
Elytra Trims Extensions by KikuGie
Enchanted Vertical Slabs by Enchanted-Games
Enchantment Descriptions by Darkhax
End Remastered by Jack-Bagel
Enderman Overhaul by Joo5h
Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames
Entity Culling by Tr7zw
Explorify by Bebebea_loste
Exposure by Mortuusars
ExtraSounds Next by Arborsm
Fabric API by Modmuss50
Fabric Language Kotlin by Modmuss50
Fabrishot by ramidzhk
Fadeless by DerpDerpling
Falling Leaves by Fourmisain
FerriteCore by Malte0811
Forge Config API Port by Fuzs
Forgiving Void by BlayTheNinth
Formations (Structure Library) by SuperMartijn642
Formations Nether by SuperMartijn642
Friendly Fire by Darkhax
Friends & Foes (Fabric/Quilt) by faboslav
Friends&Foes - Beekeeper Hut (Fabric/Quilt) by faboslav
Friends&Foes - Flowery Mooblooms (Fabric/Quilt) by faboslav
Game Menu Remove GFARB by morimori0317
Geckolib by Gecko
Glowing Torchflower by NikitaCartes
Guard Villagers [Fabric] by Mrsterner
Guarding by Team-Abode
Handcrafted by Terrarium Studios
Hearth & Home by Crispytwig
Held Item Info by A5b84
HerdsPanic by Globox1997
Hero Proof by Eugene
Highlight by Team Resourceful
Hopo Better Ruined Portals by Hoponopono
Hopo Better Underwater Ruins by Hoponopono
Horse Buff by F53
Horse Expert by Fuzs
HorseInBoat by Legosteenjaap
Iceberg by Grend
ImmediatelyFast by RaphiMC
Incendium by StardustLabs
Indium by Comp500
Inmis by Draylar
Inmis Addon by Globox1997
InvMove by PieKing1215
InvMoveCompats by PieKing1215
Inventory Profiles Next by blackd
Iris Shaders by Coderbot
Item Borders by Grend
Item Highlighter by Grend
ItemPhysic Lite by creativemd
JamLib by JamCoreModding
Jump Over Fences by Kreezxil
Just Enough Breeding (JEBr) by Christofmeg
Just Enough Effect Descriptions (JEED) by MehVahdJukaar
Kaffee's Dual Ride by 0ql
Kambrik by Ejektaflex
Krypton by Astei
LambDynamicLights by LambdAurora
Language Reload by Jerozgen
Leaf Me Alone by Nord_Act
Leaves Be Gone by Fuzs
Legacy: [Let's Do] Bakery by satisfyu
Legacy: [Let's Do] Candlelight by satisfyu
Lithium by Jellysquid3
Lithostitched by Apollo
Log Begone by AzureDoom
M.R.U by Mineblock11
MES - Moog's End Structures by FinnSetchell
Make Bubbles Pop by Tschipcraft
MasterCutter by Nico4play
MedievalWeapons by Globox1997
Memory Leak Fix by FX
MidnightLib by Motschen
MixinTrace by comp500
Mob Filter by pcal43
Mobs Attempt Parkour by Barribob
Mod Menu by ProspectorLead
Model Gap Fix by MehVahdJukaar
Modern Fix by Embeddedt
Monsters In The Closet by Minenash
Moonlight Lib by MehVahdJukaar
Mooshroom Tweaks by Serilum
Mob Filter by Pcal43
More Armor Trims by Masik16u
More Axolotl Variants API by AkashiiKun
More Axolotl Variants Mod by AkashiiKun
More Culling by FX
MoreMcmeta by soir20
MoreMcmeta Emissive Textures by soir20
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
Music Delay Remover (Infinite Music) by PlasticStrawActivist
NarrusYeetus by TheEnderCore
Naturalist by Crispytwig
Neat by Vazkii
Nether Depths Upgrade by Scouter567
Nether Portal Fix by BlayTheNinth
Nifty's Carts by Jmb05
No Animal Tempt Delay by Serilum
No Chat Reports by Aizistral
No Telemetry by Kb1000
Not Enough Animations by Tr7zw
Not Enough Recipe Book [NERB] by Sskirillss
Nullscape by StardustLabs
Nyf's Spiders by Nyfaria
OptiGUI by opekope2
Panorama Screens by Juancarloscp52
Particle Core by fzzyhmstrs
Passive Shield by Serilum
Path Under Fence Gates by Steveplays
Philip's Ruins by PhilipModDev
Polymorph by TheIllusiveC4
Presence Footsteps by Sollace
Prism by Grend
Pure Discs - Tricky Trials by purejosh
Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese
Regions Unexplored by UHQ-GAMES
Repurposed Structures - Fabric by TelepathicGrunt
Resource Pack Overrides by Fuzs
Resorceful Config by Team Resourceful
Resourceful Lib by Team Resourceful
RightClickHarvest by JamCoreModding
Roughly Enough Items by shedaniel
Scaffolding Drops Nearby by Serilum
Scribble by chrrs
Searchables by Jaredlll08
Secure Crops by Zekk051
Shoulder Surfing Reloaded by Exopandora
Shulker Box Tooltip by MisterPeModder
Shulker Drops Two by Serilum
Shut Up GL Error by JamCoreModding
Simple Armor Hud by legoraft
Simple HUD Enhanced by SoRadGaming
Simple Netherite Horse Armor by JerryLu086
Sit by Bl4ckscor3
Skeleton Horse Spawn by Serilum
Smarter Farmers (farmers replant) by MehVahdJukaar
SmoothMenu Refabricated by shizotoaster
Snow Pig [Fabric] by Uraneptus
Snow Under Trees (Fabric) by mineblock11
Sodium by Jellysquid3
Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks by Rynnavinx
Soul Fire'd by Crystal Nest Organization
Sound Physics Remastered by Henkelmax
Spawn Animations by Tschipcraft
Spyglass Astronomy by Nettakrim
StackDeobfuscator by booky10
Starlight (Fabric) by Spottedleaf
Steve's Realistic Sleep by Steveplays
Structurify by faboslav
Supplementaries by MehVahdJukaar
Surface Mushrooms by Serilum
TCDCommons API by TheCSDev
TerraBlender by Adubbz
TerraBlenderFix by racoonman2
The Graveyard (FABRIC) by Finallion
The Lost Castle by Jack-Bagel
ThreadTweak by getchoo
Tips by Darkhax
Torch hit! by Crystal Nest Organization
TieredZ by Globox1997
Trinkets by Emi
True Ending: Ender Dragon Overhaul by Limesplatus
Universal Bone Meal by Fuzs
Unsafe World Random Access Detector by ishland
Vein Mining by TheIllusiveC4
Villager Names by Serilum
Villages&Pillages by Faboslav
Visuality by PinkGoosik
Wavey Capes by tr7zw
Weaker Spiderwebs by Serilum
What The Bucket by Darkhax
World Play Time by Khajiitos
Xaero's Minimap by TheXaero
Xaero's World Map by TheXaero
YDM's Weapon Master by YourDailyModder
YUNG's Better Desert Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Dungeons by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better End Island by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Jungle Temples by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Mineshafts by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Nether Fortresses by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Strongholds by YUNGNICKYOUNG
YUNG's Better Witch Huts by YUNGNICKYOUNG
Yeetus Experimentus by Sunekaer
YetAnotherConfigLib by isxander
You're in Grave Danger by B1n-ry
Zoomify by isxander
[EMF] Entity Model Features by Traben
[ETF] Entity Texture Features by Traben
[Let's Do] API by Cristelknight
[Let's Do] HerbalBrews by satisfyu
[Let's Do] Meadow by satisfyu
e4mc by Vgskye
fast-ip-ping Fallen-Breath
playerAnimator by KosmX
📦 Datapacks (2)
Nether Build Height Editor by Apollo (Modified)
EDVillageModifier by Fyoncle
🎨 Resource Packs (27)
Main Resource Packs (21)
Ender Dragon Revamp by crydigo [Permission To Add] (Modified)
Better Mob Models by Joo5h [Permission To Modify] (Modified)
Bray's World by Braytonks [Permission To Modify] (Modified)
Luminous by Techy69 [Permission To Add & Modify] (Modified)
Tissou's Zombie Pack by Tissou [Permission To Add]
Blinking Ender Eyes by Futureazoo
Enhanced Boss Bars by Naku
Refined Enchants by Vixel
Freshly Modded by SebSemos
Fancy Crops by bebebea_loste
Fast Better Grass by robotkoer
Fresh Animations by FreshLX
Fresh Wolves Variants by Eugene
Fresh Moves by TrasTick and IthanMendoza
GUI Revision by Vixel
Icons by WeNAN Organization
Slim Fire by Crystal Nest Organization
Translations for Sodium by robotkoer
Unobtrusive Weather by bom
ResonariumFix by Fyoncle
Optional Packs (6)
AVPBR by JoaquiX (Modified)
AVPBR Retextured by JoaquiX
RAY's 3D Ladders by xR4YM0ND
RAY's 3D Rails by xR4YM0ND
Embrace Pixels by Mwti
🌅 Shaders (5)
Bliss Shaders by X0nk
Complementary Unbound by EminGT
Complementary Reimagined by EminGT
BSL Shaders by CaptTatsu
Photon Shader by sixthsurge
⛔ Incompatible Mods
More Mob Variants → Incompatible with Let's Do Meadow
Smooth GUI → Incompatible with Debugify
Merchant Markers → Resource loading failed error
Better End & Better Nether → Critical rendering issues, crashes, and shader issues with epilepsy risks
Cull Less Leaves → Incompatible with More Culling
[Deprecated] Farmer's Delight [Fabric] → Incompatibility with a few other mods
Phosphor → Incompatible with Starlight
Fish Of Thieves → Causing unplayable TPS drops
Leave My Bars Alone → Incompatible with Better Mount HUD
SleepWarp → Causing crashes on servers
Sounds → Causing unplayable FPS drops with Guardians & Ocean Monuments
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie → Incompatible with Fresh Animations
cat_jam → Incompatible with Fresh Animations
FastAnim → Incompatible with Fresh Animations
✅ Compatible & Optional Mods
![]() |
Distant Horizons Fully Compatible! |
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Simple Voice Chat Fully Compatible! |
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Create Fabric Fully Compatible! Although it's suggested to use Iris FLW Compat with it. |
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Essential Essential is NOT recommended for use due to these reasons. Fully Compatible! |
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Fabric Seasons Fully Compatible! |
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Replay Mod Fully Compatible! |
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Physics Mod Partially Compatible (Broken Ragdolls due to Fresh Animations) |
Special Thanks

Special thanks to Shizotoaster for helping with optimization and Elysium Days Tweaks Mod and more!
And many thanks to VipCoder for developing the majority of the Elysium Days Tweaks Mod.
And huge thanks to all the content creators that made a video about Elysium Days!