🟨 Newest version for 1.21.4 (v2.1.0)
🎯 Highlights
- First Alpha release for 1.21.4
- This version includes all highlighted features and optimizations, excluding Shared Resources.
⚖️ Version stability:
- Several non-essential mods are missing, but all critical functionality and highlighted features are present, except the ability to share the same options and resources across your modpacks. Some utility features, such as smooth scrolling, are not available.
📋 Additional Notes
⚙️ Update checking details
Update checking is provided by Simple Update Checker
This feature simply adds a line of text to the title screen showing the current version of the modpack and any possible updates.
The mod will not automatically update the modpack for you and is configured to not show any popups prompting to update. So except a minimal impact on your client.
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.4 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- ToolTipFix
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- TieFix
- StutterFix
- Does It Tick
- ToolTipFix
- Palladium
- Inventory Control Tweaks
- Achievements Optimizer
- Client Side Noteblocks
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- Nvidium
The large list of missing mods will not affect your experience as much as it would seem.
🟦 Newest version for 1.21.1 (v2.1.0)
Sixth Beta release for 1.21.1 versions. All highlighted features are present, more info in details.
🎯 Highlights
- Powerful perfrormance improvements.
- The modpack will now respect the changes you've made to your settings by not resetting them on every update.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Fabric Loader to v0.16.10
- Shaderpack selection screen can once again be opened with "O"
- Removed an unused mod RailOptimization because it wouldn't go through the Fabric pre-boot checks
- Removed Quilt leftovers
🎈 Major changes:
- The modpack should now be much more intuitive by making every upcoming update respect your previous custom settings (ex. Keybinds and Video settings) by not resetting them to the modpack defaults after each update
- Boat Item View is now also available for 1.21.1
- New optimization mods Palladium, Does It Tick, and Async were added that all together provide entry deduplication, improve memory control, enhance mob AI, cancel distant entity ticking, and spread entity calculations across multiple CPU cores.
⚖️ Version stability:
- Only a few non-essential mods are missing, all critical functionality and highlighted features are present.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Fabric API
- Fzzy Config
- GpuTape
- ModernFix
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
⚙️ Update checking details
Update checking is provided by Simple Update Checker
This feature simply adds a line of text to the title screen showing the current version of the modpack and any possible updates.
The mod will not automatically update the modpack for you and is configured to not show any popups prompting to update. So except a minimal impact on your client.
⚠️ Mods not yet available
The following mods are not yet available for 1.21.1 but will be added in future updates of this modpack:
- DashLoader
- TieFix
- RailOptimization
- Brute force Rendering Culling
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
Even with some mods missing, the impact on your daily experience will be negligible.
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.21.1 yet:
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
◻️ Newest version for 1.20.1 (v2.1.0)
🎯 Highlights
- Powerful perfrormance improvements.
- The modpack will now respect the changes you've made to your settings by not resetting them on every update.
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Updated Fabric Loader to v0.16.10
- Shaderpack selection screen can once again be opened with "O"
🎈 Major changes:
- The modpack should now be much more intuitive by making every upcoming update respect your previous custom settings (ex. Keybinds and Video settings) by not resetting them to the modpack defaults after each update
- New optimization mods Palladium, Immersive Optimization, and Brute Force Rendering Culling were added that all together cull invisible chunks, provide entry deduplication, improve memory control, optimize mob AI, and dynamically slow down culled entity ticking.
📋 Additional Notes
⏫ Updated mods
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Fabric API
- Fzzy Config
- GpuTape
- ModernFix
- Packet Fixer
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
🧩 Inaccessible mods
The following mods are only available for newer modpack versions since they do not have any versions for 1.20.1 yet:
- Async (1.21.X)
- Super Fast Math (1.21.4)
- Simple Update Checker (1.21.X)
⏫ Updated mods
- BadOptimizations
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
- Entity Culling
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Fabric API
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- Lithium
- ModernFix
- Very Many Players
- YetAnotherConfigLib
🎈 Major changes:
- Modpack now uses Fabric for easier maintenance purposes
- Added a brand new boot logo for the modpack
- Added a simple Update Checker feature to this modpack
- Readded the More Culling mod, enabling extra optimizations.
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.1 modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
- Boat Item View
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- TieFix
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
⚙️ Update checking details
Update checking is provided by Simple Update Checker
This feature simply adds a line of text to the title screen showing the current version of the modpack and any possible updates.
The mod will not automatically update the modpack for you and is configured to not show any popups prompting to update. So except a minimal impact on your client.
⏫ Updated mods:
- Entitiy Culling
- Fabric API
- FerriteCore
- Fzzy Config
- Language Reload
- Lithium
- ImmediatelyFast
- No Chat Reports
- ModernFix
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Adjusted StutterFix config
- Updated Quilt Loader to 0.27.0 stable version
- Added "ToolTipFix" as an alternative to "Adaptive Tooltips" since it isn't available for 1.21.1 yet
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.X modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
Adaptive Tooltips(ToolTipFix as a temporary replacement)- Boat Item View
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- TieFix
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
⏫ Updated mods:
- Cicada
- Entity Culling
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Language Reload
- ModernFix
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Adjusted StutterFix config
- Set the default render distance to 14
- Updated Quilt Loader to 0.27.0 stable version
- Fixed render distance option being locked at 12 (By temporarily swapping "Idle Tweaks" with "Dynamic FPS" until a fix-version is released for 1.20.1)
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Re-added the "Achievements Optimizer" mod
- Updated Quilt Loader to 0.27.0-beta.1
- Made leaves cull after 2 blocks (If graphics are on Fancy)
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.X modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
- Adaptive Tooltips
- Boat Item View
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- TieFix
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
⏫ Updated mods:
- BadOptimizations
- Fabric Lamguage Kotlin
- FerriteCore
- Fzzy Config
- ImmediatelyFast
- Lithium
- Mod Menu
- Packet Fixer
- Sodium Dynamic Lights
- Sodium Extra
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- Zoomify
🪄 Miscellaneous changes:
- Disabled the Narrator with a vanilla setting
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.X modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest Minecraft versions:
- Adaptive Tooltips
- Boat Item View
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- TieFix
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features, and is getting more stable with each release.
🎈 First Beta release for 1.21.1 Quilt
⚠️ The following mods are not included in the 1.21.X modpacks yet, but will be added in future updates as they get updated to the newest versions:
- Adaptive Tooltips
- Boat Item View
- DashLoader
- Fast Portals
- LazyDFU
- Mobtimizations - Entity Performance Fixes
- TieFix
Although some mods are missing, this modpack is very usable and has all of its main features.