Version 1.19.2-43.1.3
- Fixed Chisel Screen Button not rendering (Mojang please stop changing what a method does)
- Correctly Removed Kontron Blocks and Items
- You can now configure Spawns per biome
- Fixed Angels in F5 still animating
- Fixed being teleported to the nether roof
- Added Config for Angel Theft
Version 1.20-46.0.3
- Fixed Chisel Screen Button not rendering (Mojang please stop changing what a method does)
- Correctly Removed Kontron Blocks and Items
- You can now configure Spawns per biome
- Fixed Angels in F5 still animating
- Fixed being teleported to the nether roof
- Added Config for Angel Theft
Version 1.19-43.1.0
- Adds the ability to disable Weeping Angel item theft
- Removes all references to Kontron
- Fix weeping angels clearing the first slot on the hotbar when there's stealable items in the inventory
- Fixed Angels Teleporting non-player entities
- Fixed game crashing when a banned dimension is configurated incorrectly
- Reduced Angel Block Breaking Range

Version 1.21-1.0.2
- Fixed Server crashes due to incorrect networking setup
- Fixed issue where Coffins did not maintain their variant
- Fixed issue where Timey Wimey Overlay text was offset
- Fixed issue where players could be teleported outside the world border
- "TARDIS" Coffings now act as intended
- Potentially fixed compatibility issue with "Snow! Real Magic! ⛄"