V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.21
- Config to control whether baby
can have their feathers plucked- Defaults to false; babies cannot have their feathers plucked
- Ungriefing Creepers tweak not working
- Feather Plucking using the wrong Shears tag
- Feather Plucking causing the player's arm to swing even if plucking failed
- Updated all references to tags in the
namespace to now use thec
namespace instead- This change is also reflected in Config Comments for maximum clarity
- ChopDown Requires Tool setting uses a less sketchy method for tool detection
- The text
in the Durability Tooltip is now localizable!
- Server Crash
Initial port to 1.21 (and 1.21.1 by proxy) using NeoForge. Tested full suite of features locally in dev server, so hopefully there'll be minimal server-only issues, but we'll see!
Not too much has changed from a functional perspective really:
- Challenger Mobs' Gear and Drops now use the Component Feature to define properties like enchantments, potion data, etc.
- Food Tooltip: This was trickier to re-implement than I had time for, plus this feature gets turned off by most users anyways because better tools like Quark and AppleSkin exist.
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.21
- The text
in the Durability Tooltip is now localizable!
- Server Crash
Initial port to 1.21 (and 1.21.1 by proxy) using NeoForge. Tested full suite of features locally in dev server, so hopefully there'll be minimal server-only issues, but we'll see!
Not too much has changed from a functional perspective really:
- Challenger Mobs' Gear and Drops now use the Component Feature to define properties like enchantments, potion data, etc.
- Food Tooltip: This was trickier to re-implement than I had time for, plus this feature gets turned off by most users anyways because better tools like Quark and AppleSkin exist.
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.21
Initial port to 1.21 (and 1.21.1 by proxy) using NeoForge. Tested full suite of features locally in dev server, so hopefully there'll be minimal server-only issues, but we'll see!
Not too much has changed from a functional perspective really:
- Challenger Mobs' Gear and Drops now use the Component Feature to define properties like enchantments, potion data, etc.
- Food Tooltip: This was trickier to re-implement than I had time for, plus this feature gets turned off by most users anyways because better tools like Quark and AppleSkin exist.
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
- NonStackingItemTweak
- Disabled by default for obvious reasons
- Makes it so items on the ground will no longer merge together into a single Item Entity like back in beta
Thanks for your patience with this recurring problem that has been fixed by outright removing it:
- TraderStonks tweak, which caused many issues for many players.
- Full ingredient support for Anvil and Fluid Conversion Recipes
- This means you can now define multiple inputs using Tags or Array Inputs. For example, the following recipe allows you to throw either 1 stick, or any colored wool, to convert it to white wool.
{ "type": "vtweaks:fluid_conversion", "input": [{ "item": "minecraft:stick" }, { "tag": "minecraft:wool" }], "output": { "item": "minecraft:white_wool" }, "fluid": "minecraft:water" }
- Chopdown Config now has its own subsection - previous settings will need to be re-applied
- Accidentally left in a test JSON recipe for Anvil Crafting - removed that!
Anvil Recipe:
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromLeft
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromRight
- Added a new optional setting
. When set to false, the inputs on both sides of the recipe will ignore NBT; otherwise the inputs will need to match the NBT specified in the datapack entry
Water Conversion Recipes:
- Fixed background not working in JEI
- Added catalysts for the JEI tab so that it would appear as a "use" for Dispensers, Splash Water Bottles & Water Buckets
- Actually fix feather falling tweak -_-
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
This will be the last update for 1.20.1 as I begin porting to NeoForge on 1.21, and possibly start looking into Fabric support (no promises though!). Thanks for your patience with this recurring problem that has been fixed by outright removing it:
- TraderStonks tweak, which caused many issues for many players.
- Full ingredient support for Anvil and Fluid Conversion Recipes
- This means you can now define multiple inputs using Tags or Array Inputs. For example, the following recipe allows you to throw either 1 stick, or any colored wool, to convert it to white wool.
{ "type": "vtweaks:fluid_conversion", "input": [{ "item": "minecraft:stick" }, { "tag": "minecraft:wool" }], "output": { "item": "minecraft:white_wool" }, "fluid": "minecraft:water" }
- Chopdown Config now has its own subsection - previous settings will need to be re-applied
- Accidentally left in a test JSON recipe for Anvil Crafting - removed that!
Anvil Recipe:
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromLeft
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromRight
- Added a new optional setting
. When set to false, the inputs on both sides of the recipe will ignore NBT; otherwise the inputs will need to match the NBT specified in the datapack entry
Water Conversion Recipes:
- Fixed background not working in JEI
- Added catalysts for the JEI tab so that it would appear as a "use" for Dispensers, Splash Water Bottles & Water Buckets
- Actually fix feather falling tweak -_-
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
- Full ingredient support for Anvil and Fluid Conversion Recipes
- This means you can now define multiple inputs using Tags or Array Inputs. For example, the following recipe allows you to throw either 1 stick, or any colored wool, to convert it to white wool.
{ "type": "vtweaks:fluid_conversion", "input": [{ "item": "minecraft:stick" }, { "tag": "minecraft:wool" }], "output": { "item": "minecraft:white_wool" }, "fluid": "minecraft:water" }
- Chopdown Config now has its own subsection - previous settings will need to be re-applied
- Accidentally left in a test JSON recipe for Anvil Crafting - removed that!
Anvil Recipe:
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromLeft
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromRight
- Added a new optional setting
. When set to false, the inputs on both sides of the recipe will ignore NBT; otherwise the inputs will need to match the NBT specified in the datapack entry
Water Conversion Recipes:
- Fixed background not working in JEI
- Added catalysts for the JEI tab so that it would appear as a "use" for Dispensers, Splash Water Bottles & Water Buckets
- Actually fix feather falling tweak -_-
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.19.2
Backport 4.0.9-current from 1.20.1
- Hard dependency on JEI
- Hard dependency on JEI
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.19.4
Backport 4.0.9-current from 1.20.1
- Hard dependency on JEI
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
- Full ingredient support for Anvil and Fluid Conversion Recipes
- This means you can now define multiple inputs using Tags or Array Inputs. For example, the following recipe allows you to throw either 1 stick, or any colored wool, to convert it to white wool.
{ "type": "vtweaks:fluid_conversion", "input": [{ "item": "minecraft:stick" }, { "tag": "minecraft:wool" }], "output": { "item": "minecraft:white_wool" }, "fluid": "minecraft:water" }
- Chopdown Config now has its own subsection - previous settings will need to be re-applied
- Accidentally left in a test JSON recipe for Anvil Crafting - removed that!
Anvil Recipe:
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromLeft
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromRight
- Added a new optional setting
. When set to false, the inputs on both sides of the recipe will ignore NBT; otherwise the inputs will need to match the NBT specified in the datapack entry
Water Conversion Recipes:
- Fixed background not working in JEI
- Added catalysts for the JEI tab so that it would appear as a "use" for Dispensers, Splash Water Bottles & Water Buckets
- Actually fix feather falling tweak -_-
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
Anvil Recipe:
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromLeft
- The setting
has been renamed tocopyTagsFromRight
- Added a new optional setting
. When set to false, the inputs on both sides of the recipe will ignore NBT; otherwise the inputs will need to match the NBT specified in the datapack entry
Water Conversion Recipes:
- Fixed background not working in JEI
- Added catalysts for the JEI tab so that it would appear as a "use" for Dispensers, Splash Water Bottles & Water Buckets
- Actually fix feather falling tweak -_-
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
- Actually fix feather falling tweak -_-
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
- Configuration for which moon phases Peaceful Surface should apply to (defaults to all but the New Moon)
- Trader Stonks (Enabled by default)
- This feature, inspired by SimplySarc's idea, makes it so that Wandering Traders may sell any "valuable" items that you've lost recently
- This functionality is in a beta state - please report bugs if you find any!!
- Technical details:
- Uses the tag
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
item can be enchanted, it'll only save the item if it's enchanted.
- If configured (this setting is on by default), if a
- The chance that an item is added is configurable
- The Emerald cost is configurable, but it'll always cost Emeralds
- The item that gets added is random, and it might be yours or some other players'!
- A silly message is shown when chatting with a Wanderer (can be disabled)
- Uses the tag
- Peaceful Surface outright not working
- Feather Falling Tweak not working as intended, negating all damage except for fall damage 🤦♂️
- Splash potions of <fluid> not working on FluidConversionRecipes
- Re-organized a lot of configs - please check your
file to verify that your previous settings are what they should be
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
- Hard dependency on JEI
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.19.x
- Hard dependency on JEI
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.19.x
- Hard dependency on JEI
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.20.1
not working for many reasons
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.19.x
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16
V-Tweaks Changelog MC 1.19.x
: Allows anyvtweaks:clear_glass
, or glow ink sac, to be activated on an item frame while sneaking to make the item frame transparent or glowing respectively. DemoSplashPotionTweak
: Allows splash potions of water to behave the same as throwing an item in water, but using V-Tweaks' Fluid Conversion Recipes. Works as an alternative if you'd like to setenableFluidConversionRecipes
, but only works with blocks instead of blocks and items. Demo
- Mixin configs are now a part of
- if you previously changedenableCactusItemProtection
, you'll need to change it again but invtweaks-common.toml
4.0.6: INITIAL PORT TO 1.19.4
- All new configs for Food Tooltips:
useOriginalFoodTooltipColor (bool)
: if food has a custom color such as via rarity or NBT, use that color instead of the other colors defined below for the hunger bar. If food has no given custom color, then the default color (or the buff/debuff color) will be used. DemofoodTooltipColor (string)
: the HEX code for a normal food that gives no Positive / Negative potion effects on consumptionfoodTooltipPositiveColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives NO Negative Potion Effects and at least one Positive potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipNegativeColor (string)
: the HEX code for food that gives at least one Negative potion effect on consumptionfoodTooltipMultiplier (float)
: similar to health, 1 hunger is equivalent to half a hunger haunch. This setting controls a multiplier for this in terms of the hunger tooltip on foods.foodTooltipSaturationColor (string)
: the HEX code for the saturation a food gives
Fixed (Hopefully 🤞)
- Hopefully patched up a crash on world join with the
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
. I've looked into this issue for most of my day today and I have no earthly idea what I'm doing wrong to cause this, but hopefully a small change I made may have resolved this.
Potential memory leak resolutions
Micro-Optimized server and world tick performance
- Feather Falling Tweaks not breaking boots when at max damage
- Feather Falling Tweaks not working
- Crash on dedicated servers (Thanks Apache 😒)
This rewrite includes a couple of major changes:
Removed Features:
- All Enchantments: Chopdown somewhat removes the need for Lumbering and I always hated the Imperishable implementation
- Bonemeal Tweaks: Bonemealing non-bonemealable blocks
- Drop Tweaks: Configurable despawn timers, egg hatching, sapling planting - these were all bad.
- Pet Armory: Throw gear at tamed pets - this was poorly implemented and was never worth the time to learn rendering
- Death Point: This really isn't necessary now with the new echo compass thing in 1.19
- Low Health Sound: Not really fitting for this mod, and its implementation was very data-modification heavy
- Chat message welcoming you to V-Tweaks is removed, this was annoying. I'll be implementing an optional Patchouli book for this soon :)
Added Features
- Corpse Drops Tweak - Items dropped by the player upon death will no longer despawn like other items.
- Cactus Item Protection - prevents items from being eaten up by Cacti. Configuration change requires restart
- Fluid Conversion Recipes - this used to be the Concrete Tweak, but now they're Datapack based and you can modify the defaults (currently they just include all concrete powder -> concrete conversions)! You can specify the fluid, input and output and the recipe will automatically propagate in JEI with the custom plugin I made.
- Falling blocks caused by the Chop Down tweak will no longer drop leaves, but instead drop the block's corresponding drops
The Tweak system has been introduced. Create a new tweak by extendingVTweak
and using the@Tweak
annotation. The config system will automatically grab onto what configs you need based on this annotation, and the Tweak Registry will automatically grab and fire all custom tweaks' events[CODE]
Config System has been overhauled, allowing each tweak to house its own configs rather than making them static members of some conglomerate config class. Thecategory
param in the@Tweak
annotation tells the config system what category to put the tweak's configs in - if it's not one of the ones listed inCommonConfig.java
, then it will be skipped.
- Chopdown will no longer consider player-placed leaves as part of a tree
- Hopefully fixed failure to start due to FastUtils
- At long last, the chopdown feature is no longer experimental and has been finished to a point where I am content with it. This update fixes the offsets when breaking trees, as well as rotates logs as they fall.
- Fixes to NBT breakages!!
- Added new optional Anvil Recipe attributes
. Assumes to befalse
if not included.cpFrom[Left|Right]
will copy all NBT except for those defined in the output, to the output. You can choose to set BOTH to true, but any overlap in NBT will be overwritten by the RIGHT input.
Should work on 1.19.1 and .2, but this has not been tested.
- Hopefully resolved issues with
Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
- New
recipe type -- see below!
- Huge internal refactor of code
- Lumbering and Imperishable will not disappear when disabled, but will not function
- Recipes for Enchanted Books now use
recipes to control inputs and cost
Inputs AND outputs can have NBT defined for them! This recipe type performs a soft NBT comparison.
Example: if your item is defined as {"item": "minecraft:stick", "nbt": { "Damage": 0 }}
, then if you input a stick
with enchantments or other NBT it will succeed so long as the NBT matches at the bare minimum the NBT defined in the
recipe (in this case, {Damage:0}
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "minecraft:unbreaking",
"lvl": 3
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:imperishable",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 24
"type": "vtweaks:anvil",
"left": {
"item": "minecraft:writable_book"
"right": {
"item": "minecraft:golden_axe",
"nbt": {
"Damage": 0
"result": {
"item": "minecraft:enchanted_book",
"nbt": {
"StoredEnchantments": [
"id": "vtweaks:lumbering",
"lvl": 1
"cost": 16