- Added indicators above the relic icon when an ability is ready for research or an upgrade.
- Added a lifetime limit for Space Dissector portals, so bugged portals should auto-delete after 1 minute.
- Fixed the Phantom Boot ability not ticking if the ability is not selected.
- Fixed the Amphibian Boot not working.
- Updated the ja_jp translation by okazako.
- Fixed issues with the relic research progress bar:
- Added interpolation for displaying the progress bar at more than 20 FPS.
- Research progress now resets when moving the cursor to a different slot.
- Opening the research UI now requires 20 ticks instead of 10.
- The key for researching an item can now be configured in the control settings.
- Fixed the targeting of Shadow Glaive and Spore Sack projectiles on armor stands.
- Fixed the damage resistance formula for the first ability of Holy Locket; the item no longer grants immortality as it previously did.
- Reworked Spore Sack abilities (icon are still WIP and will be changed soon)
- Slightly reworked relic generation in chests (again)
- Fixed Shadow Glaive targeting dead mobs
- Slightly adjusted the balance of Shadow Glaive
- Fixed the "flawless" status of relics with non-upgradable abilities
- Ability stats ending in .0 are now rounded (1.0 -> 1)
- The maximize/minimize commands now automatically adjust the research status of abilities
- Relic loot system has been completely overhauled. Instead of being strictly tied to structures, the generation now focuses primarily on biomes, making relic discovery slightly more intuitive.
- Shadow Glaive has been reworked. It is now an equippable item and provides a greater impact in combat.
- Added compatibility between Infinite Ham and Sophisticated Backpacks
- Added Infinite Ham's applied effects to its tooltip
- Added ability icons and research entries to Infinite Ham's abilities
- Fixed rare issue with relic experience reset
- Fixed saturation formula of Infinite Ham
- Fixed instant effects duration applied to Infinite Ham
- Fixed rare crash with maxed Infinite Ham
- The mechanics of the Infinite Ham have been significantly reworked: two old abilities have been updated, a new ability has been added, the item design has been revamped, and a tooltip frame has been introduced.
- To maintain mod stability during updates, extended configuration files are now disabled by default. However, you can enable them manually in the ../config/relics.yaml file if you wish and understand how to handle them.