Litavis Version 1.1: Lost Caverns
After a long 3 months, Litavis 1.1 is ready for it's next big version. While this version does not have a lot of new items, it does come with some major overhauls to the mod, some larger additions, and some bug fixes!
-Added in the Barren Well
-Added in the Entombed Ruins
-Added in 16 Terraformer Variants (One for each variant of Terracotta)
-Added Tirim Berries: A new berry found in the Entombed Ruins, these provide ambient particles and a new source of food deep underground
-Added 4 new advancements for Litavis
-Added the base Copper Golem (Locked behind the /give command for now. Currently has no AI)
-Added 2 Plushies to the game, one obtainable in Survival right now
-Added in a new Music Disc, 'Echoes' by Mazeer A on Fiverr. Thank you so much for the wonderful song
-Added in Burrow Variants, now they come in multiple colours naturally (If you find the Rainbow one in the wild, let me know!)
-Added in proper AI to the Burrow, which will make the Burrow target and charge at the nearest player
-Reworked the Earth Charge entirely (Now launches a 5x5 area and a 3x3 area underneath it up into the air. Any entities within a radius of it are also thrown upwards)
-Reworked the Terraformer (Polished the code and reworked the enchantments/stats)
-Removed the Gravel Exhaust from the Creative menu (To be cut or modified in 1.2)
-Polished the code of the mod to make everything cleaner
-Spat on the graves of the Ancient Builders, as well as the Sniffer
This is the large update for BlanketCon 25, and should be good to go! If any further issues arise I will release another update to cover bugs, and hopefully to add Burrow Animations
Litavis Patch 1.0b:
With the launch of Litavis, a few smaller bugs have been found by members of the community. This update seeks to fix those bugs and make the mod more stable.
-Added Eucalyptus Signs, Hanging Signs, Boats, and Chest Boats
-Added recipes for Eucalyptus Wood set
-Gave the Burrow a lobotomy (Removed AI for the time being due to issues with spawning Earth Charges with no velocity or collision detection)
-Updated The Burrow texture and animations
-Fixed the Earth Charge not throwing
-Removed some unused assets
Litavis Patch 1.0a:
-Added EN Translations for Eucalyptus Wood, Logs, Stripped Wood, and Stripped Logs
-Added recipes for Tripslate variants
-Adjusted the Terraformer Attributes
-Adjusted item model for the Eucalyptus Sapling
-Removed remnants of a cut mob "The Mole"
Unless any larger bugs are found, Version 1.0 of Litavis should be finished at this point and ready for players to explore. Within the next 2 months however, the second part of Litavis should be releasing with the main structure called the "Entombed Ruins". This Structure will be the home of the Sculpted Core, Entombed Trim, and The Burrow.
Welcome to Litavis! This first update adds a few new features including:
- Granite Bricks
- Granite Pillars
- Tripslate Bricks
- Eucalyptus Trees
- Eucalyptus Planks
- Entombed Armor Trim
- Earth Charge
- Sculpted Core
- The Terraformer
- The Burrow (Heavy WIP)
- Burrow Rods
- 2 Enchantments: Extension and Terraforming I/II
- Gravel Exhaust
- Entombed Key
While some of these features are not fully developed, Litavis is at a point where I want to have it published for people to enjoy the existing features. A lot of things will be changed overtime