Forestry 2.4.3
- Add Aquatic bee genus, thanks to EnderiumSmith
- Add new Aquatic bee species that spawns in Warm Ocean biomes by coral reefs
- Add new Pirate bee species that spawns in shipwreck chests and buried treasure chests
- Add new Prismatic bee species that produces Prismarine shards and crystals
- Add new Abyssal bee species that produces glow ink sacs
- Add Solar bee genus, thanks to EnderiumSmith
- Added Kleptoplastic bee species that light nearby entities on fire, using sunlight to pollinate
- Added Photosynthetic bee species with "Fast" pollination
- Added Autotroph bee species with "Faster" pollination, the fastest of any species in base Forestry
- Added missing mutation for Myrtle Ebony (#186)
- Fix percentage values displaying incorrectly for centrifuge (#168)
Forestry 2.4.1
- Require Forge 47.3.5 to fix Hanging Signs crash (#174)
- Dropped NeoForge support. There is absolutely no reason to use NeoForge in 1.20.1.
- Fix Forestry structure loot not appearing in chests, thanks to EnderiumSmith (#183)
- Add Shulking bee species, thanks to EnderiumSmith
- Add Sign items to #minecraft:signs item tag
- Add Hanging Sign items to #minecraft:hanging_signs item tag
Forestry 2.4.0
- Add Lush bee genus, thanks to EnderiumSmith (#180)
- Add new Lush species, which spawns naturally in Lush Caves biomes
- Add new Verdant species, which can produce Small Dripleaf blocks
- Add new Luxuriant species, which can speed up growth of Glow Berrires and has Fast pollination
- Fix Chinese (Simplified) translation, thanks to ChuijkYahus (#178)
- Fix Ukrainian translation, thanks to yevgmikh (#181)
Forestry 2.3.3
- Actually fix painting variants
- Phase out usage of java.awt.Color in common code to avoid potential server crashes with certain providers
- Fix fluids preventing blocks from being placed in them (#166)
- Fix fluids not rendering their flowing textures properly in the overworld (#167)
Forestry 2.3.0
- Fix saplings with default genomes not generating leaves properly (#144)
- Add API for IBeekeepingLogic to change throttle ticks
- Fix NBT loading bug in BeekeepingLogic to load queen max health
- Make parts of JEI plugin public
- Fix IBeeModifier.modifyAging and IIndividualLiving.age
- Fix bee territory being too small on East and West (#162)
- Remove the Analyzer widgets from Apiary and Alveary
Forestry 2.2.3
- Add Cathemeral bee activity type, which is a random activity period of 12000 ticks that varies based on position. Check times using /forestry bee cathemeral
- Fix Tolerant Flyer tooltip and Cave Tolerant display in analyzer
- Fix bees not working below y=0
- Fix Bog Earth crash when set to maturity = 3 using a debug stick
- Add worldgen random to IHive#getPosForHive and IHiveGen#getPosForHive
- Fix rendering glitch with Forestry doors (#158)
Forestry 2.1.4
- Fix Gourd and Mushroom farms not taking inputs (#141)
- Add the automatic Gourd farm back to Forestry
- Fix crash when KubeJS is not present (#149)
- Fix tree leaves not decaying when harvested in an Arboretum/Tree farm
- Fix /forestry bee modify setting the stack size to zero and always saying "modified genome of bee" instead of "tree" or "butterfly"
Forestry 2.1.2
- Fix crash with Diagonal Fences mod (#145)
- Fix integer alleles always being recessive (#146)
- Fixed Naturalist chests not closing when KubeJS is installed (#148)
- Relax the version requirement on Forge to allow launching Forestry with NeoForge, no guarantees of stability (#147)
- Fix Engine chaining not working
- Electron tube tooltips are now always shown
- Fix several missing chromosome translations that went missing in 2.1.1
Forestry 2.1.1
- Fix IIndividualHandlerItem methods returning individuals for empty stacks that were decremented
- Added method in IAlleleManager to get IChromosome instances by registry name
- Fix butterfly humidity tolerance having the same range as temperature tolerance
- Chromosomes now have translation keys and display names
- Fixed saplings not growing (#142)
- Allow overriding Hive generation chances in IForestryPlugin and KubeJS
- Add partial KubeJS support for bees, documentation coming soon on ReadTheDocs