+ Adds the following placeholders:
- %pokedex:total_implemented% (total implemented pokemon in the Pokedex)
- %pokedex:total_caught% (total pokemon marked as "caught" in the Pokedex)
- %pokedex:total_seen% (total pokemon marked as "encountered" in the Pokedex + the caught count because caught != encountered)
- %pokedex:percent_completed% (percentage of Pokedex completed, formatted #.## [ex: 12.32])
- %pokedex:total_reward_groups% (total Pokedex reward groups registered in this mod's config)
- %pokedex:last_claimed_reward% (the name of the last reward group the player claimed, or "None" if none has been claimed yet)
+ All Pokemon in the Player's PC and Party are now automatically registered as "caught" in the player's Pokedex upon joining the server. This is primarily for servers that had data from before Cobblemon released the Pokedex feature, as Cobblemon does not automatically register previously caught Pokemon...