- Recipe for Andesite Alloy with Chromium Nuggets
Additions from Community Edition
- Thionyl Chloride synthesis and substitution reactions
- Isopropanol as a named Molecule
- Vats are now breakable with an iron pickaxe
- Sodium Ingots can now be washed into Oxidized Sodium Ingots
- Sodium Ingots can now dissolve in water
- Refinery gas made considerably higher in concentration when distilled from Crude Oil
- Distillation Towers heated by seething Blaze Burners now burn at 650 K
- Swiss Army Knives can put out Campfires
- Arc Furnaces cannot be moved
- DCM tagged as a Refrigerant
Bug Fixes
- Mobs dropped XP when they shouldn't
command format broken- Eating a single bowl Bangers and Mash consumes the whole stack
- Inox Block had wrong sound
- Fireproof Flint and Steel still lights fires
- Crash when Seismograph put in Item Frame
- Some blocks not Wrenchable (UnderscoreKilburn)
- Creative Pumps don't work in most circumstances (UnderscoreKilburn)
- Some recipes generate Mixtures at 0 K. (UnderscoreKilburn)
- Crash when rotating Arc Furnace
- Molten Glass/Inox blocks not being removed when bucketed
- Nether Crocoite Block
- Production of Diborane from Borohydride ions and Iodine
- Renaming of "X Block" to "Block of X"
- Updates to Simplified Chinese
Bug Fixes
- Client crash when hovering Item on server
- Chloromethane and DCM have the wrong densities
- Subsequent UV chlorinations of chloromethane were not actually added
- Missing lang entry for chloromethane chlorination
- UV-catalyzed free radical chlorination of Methane into Chloromethane, DCM, Chloroform and Carbon Tet
- Pipes can connect to Distillation Towers on any face
- Acids (particularly HCN) will react directly with hydroxide rather than requiring water to dissociate
- Italian
- Changes to Polish
Bug Fixes
- Couldn't open worlds if JEI wasn't installed
- Crash when sounds played
- Card Stock recipe has wrong Fluid amount
- Confetti
- Crude Oil can be changed with a command
Bug Fixes
- End Portal broken (Penta)
- Golden Laboratory Goggles not being awarded (Catchmons)
- Issues with grey minimaps (Penta)
- Crash when rendering Armor Trims in Ponder (h0bbayt)
- Redstone Programmer GUI not opening on a server
- Molten Blocks disappearing when placed in water (Penta)
- Incompatibility with Dave's Potioneering and Origins
- Recipes for Hyperaccumulating Fertilizer, ANFO and Perfume required too much fluid
- Gas Mask clips with some skins
- Creative Pump
- Reduced required amounts of mixture in many recipes
Bug Fixes
- Block Entity NBT not copied when CTRL-picking blocks
- Aging Barrels being able to be emptied while aging, and crashing as a result
- Sodium Hydride not present in Creative Mode Tab or JEI
- Sodium Hydride not being used up when it explodes
- Mixed Charge and Mixed Shell not present in Creative Mode Tab or JEI
- Mixed Shell cannot be fuzed
- Obliteration category in JEI still shows Nitrocellulose block
- Redstone Siphon
- Default heating/cooling powers for Blaze Burners and Refrigerstraytors have been multiplied by 1000
- Cyanamide no longer polymerizes
- Reduced burn time of Unvarnished Plywood
- Barometer and Thermometer screens show the current value of the quantity they monitor
Bug Fixes
- Typo in Vat fluids Ponder
- Centrifuge speed does not affect the time it takes to do recipes
- Calcium Carbide missing from Creative Mode Tab
- Tree Tap shaft not rendering with Flywheel enabled
- Isoprene has the wrong structure
- Test Tubes cheated from JEI of substances which are gas at RTP are given at a lower concentration
- Vats can no longer be completely filled with liquid
Bug Fixes
- Crash when Borax is put in a Basin or Vat
- Products of reversible reactions are missing recipes in JEI
- Air is pumped out of Vats at 1000 times the pressure it should be
Bug Fixes
- No crafting recipe for Laboratory Goggles
- Mysterious heating of Vats with liquids (Penta0308)
- Crash when hovering Mixed Explosive Items
- Client-server desync on Blocked pick-blocked into an Extended Inventory hotbar slot
Chemistry Additions
- The alkyne equivalent of all of Destroy's alkene additions
- Some reactions of Diborane
- Blowpipes and placed glassware (e.g. Beakers) emit light if their fluid does
Bug Fixes
- Packet issues breaking multiplayer (Penta0308)
- Vat pressure being calculated incorrectly
- Bubble Caps appear to give half the signal they should to Threshold Switches
Bug Fixes
- Can't connect to other worlds
- Tinted blocks appear white with Embeddium installed (Penta0308)
- Circuit Masks and Boards have the wrong texture after an asset reload
- Air is 1000 times too concentrated
- Electrolysis and Mixing of Mixtures are broken
- Some missing translation entries
Translation Updates
- Korean
Chemistry Additions
- Steam Reformation reverse (Sabatier process)
- Sodium Hydride and Sodium Borohydride syntheses
Bug Fixes
- Red Sand has the Sand sieving recipe
- Keypunches punches the wrong square
- Acetylene Trimerization has wrong translation key
- Crash when mixing Propylene and Water
- Charging and Electrolysis don't work
- Reversible reactions don't show up for output Items' recipes in JEI
- A second Moonshine Bottle replaces the Undistilled Moonshine Bottle in the Creative Mode Tab
- Some automatically generated thermodynamic values do not obey Hess' Law
- Lime slaking missing Quicklime ingredient
Translation Updates
- Russian
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Polish
- British English
- Brazilian Porteguese
- German
Bug Fixes
- Tap arm not appearing if Flywheel instancing is enabled
- Stripped Jungle Log missing from Tap Ponder
- Patreon Badges have missing models
- Seismograph Map not rendering in screen
- Blowpipe not giving the Item if placed
- Vat Fluids Ponder crashing
- Explosive Property description translation keys broken
- Unfinished Catalytic Converter missing translation
- Isoprene polymerization missing
- Multiple empty tags in recipes
- Heating power config has wrong lower bound
- Obliteration described incorrectly in Mixed Explosive Ponder
- Crash on loading world with JEI installed
Additions (in rough order of how exciting they are)
- Separating Potions with the Centrifuge
- Milk and Apple Juice Cartons
- Certain non-Mixture fluids can be pumped into Vats and automatically converted to Mixtures
- Carbon Fiber, new Plastics, Nether Crocoite, Chromium, Lead, Inox and Borosilicate Glass
- Flame Retardants
- New PPE
- Mechanical Sieve
- Biome-dependent processing recipes
- Catalytic Converter
- Beaker, Round-Bottomed Flask, Test Tube Rack and Measuring Cylinder
- Tree Tapping
- Element Blocks
- Stampers and the Blank Music Disc
- Glassblowing
- Custom Explosive Mixes
- Creatine
- Seismograph and oil prospecting minigame
- Redstone Programmer
- Trypolithography (Circuit Boards, Circuit Masks and Keypunches)
Chemistry Additions
- Wolff-Kishner reduction
- Alcohol dehydration
- Plenty of electrophilic additions
- Nitro group hydrogenation
- Phosgene and isocyanates
- Toluene nitration is split into two steps
- Alkynes
- Organoboron reactions
- Magic Oxidant and Magic Reductant
- ANFO, Cordite, Nitrocellulose and Picric Acid Blocks
- Coaxial Cogwheel, Double Cardan Shaft, Differential, Planetary Gearset (ported to Petrol's Parts)
- Create: The Factory Must Grow
- TFMG Distillation recipes can be done in Destroy's Distillation towers
- Create: Big Cannons
- Mixtures in Fluid Shells will pollute and contaminate as if they came out of a pipe
- Mixed Charges and Mixed Shells
- Each mod's Gas Masks are interchangeable
- Curios
- Lab Goggles and others can be put in the head slot and will work as Engineers' Goggles and PPE
- Badges can be worn in a new Curios slot
- Fluids can now be tagged as pollutants and coolants
- Acid dissociation is now 1st order w.r.t. water
- You can now see gases in Vats
- Using a Creative Blaze Cake on a Refrigerstrayter will cause it to cool indefinitely
- Mercury is tagged as acutely toxic
- Methanol is tagged as a solvent
- Sped up Andrussow Process (1000kJ is quite a high activation energy)
- Sped up chlorine production
- Centrifugation is more rigorous
- Preexponential factors have dynamic units in JEI
- Destroy's TNT and vanilla's "TNT" have been separated
- Charge is now specific to Atoms and is not a single value for the whole Molecule
- Made it easier to get Rhodium from Mashed Potato, and it is guaranteed the first time
- Discovering oil awards experience
- Vat thermometers and barometers now output a configurable Redstone signal
- Species can have concentrations listed in millimolar or micromolar, so they don't show as "0.0M"
- Particles show whenever a crop fails to grow due to Pollution
- Alcohol and Baby Blue can be individually disabled
- Some types of Pollution are now local to chunks rather than the whole world
- Vats work with the Threshold Switch
- Revised Vat Ponders
- More Advancements
- Butter no longer requires cooling
- Changed volume conversion from 1L = 1B to 1L = 1mB
- Many more things are configurable
- Vats can be moved by contraptions as one body
- Certain Blocks will now show Lab Goggles rather than Engineer's Goggles in the Goggle overlay
- Datapack support for Vat materials
- Rate constants for water self-ionisation fixed so water has pH ~7 at RTP
Bug Fixes
- Deconstructed Vats flushing as though they still had vents
- Z-fighting with Vat vents
- Deepslate Nickel Ore being tagged as a fluorite ore instead of nickel
- Rendering bugs with Aging Barrels
- Pick block working incorrectly
- Doubling of Differential model in its Ponder
- Text not appearing in JEI if multiple reactions are being shown on screen
- Picric Acid Tablet recipe taking sodium ions
- Decomposition of chlorodifluoromethane producing hydrofluoric acid
- Using a Creative Blaze Burner causing it to render wrong, and cool
- Occasional crash when using Test Tube
- Centrifuge producing impossible concentrations of fluids
- Advancements not being awarded
- Reverse reactions not showing up in JEI
- Pipes not connecting to new Vats until updated
- Mixtures pumped out of pipes not hurting entities
- Pumpjacks rendering wrong and not rotating on contraptions
- Odd Aging Barrel behaviour
- Test Tube rendering issues
- Block colour changes from Smog pollution needing a reload to appear
- Crash working out what colour rain should be
- Duplication of iodine and other reaction results in Vats
- Crash when hovering an item in the latest JEI version
- Water not changing color with Smog level changes
- Commands not having the correct permission level
- Using a Syringe on a Mob in Creative consumes the Item
- Breeding cooldown reduction of Baby Blue not working
- Incorrect densities of Chlorine, R-22, Hydrogen Fluoride and Carbon Dioxide
- Adding items to Vats not disturbing the equilibrium
- Added Crude Oil Bucket
- Baby Blue will eliminate the breeding cooldown when used on animals
- Added oleum and refined the synthesis of sulfuric acid
- Esterification with carboxylic acids now requires oleum as a dehydrating agent, which stops the perpetual polymerization problem when trying to make acetone cyanohydrin
- Updated Double Cardan Shaft model
- Updated texture for Palladium and Platinum Blocks
- Decreased the rate at which pollution naturally disappears
- Sulfur dioxide has the right density
- Fixed tooltips for filters for gas and liquid in the Vat screen being swapped
- Distillation towers won't distill if the reboiler is cooler than room temperature
- Fixed console spam from Mixtures
- Fixed heat capacity of water being a thousand times higher than it should have been
- Crude Oil and recipes involving it now use the tag
- Vats with no gas and only solution now read as at a vacuum rather than air pressure
- Fixed occasional crash when clicking Vat Sides with a Test Tube
- Fixed crash when urinating
- Fixed slow release of Mixtures through pumps not polluting
- Castner process now obeys conservation laws
- Fixed voiding of gases if inserted into a Vat below their boiling point
- Fixed mixing textures of some Fluids in when in pipes
- Fixed ions disappearing when centrifuged