Marked as compatible with 1.21.5
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Marked as compatible with 1.21.4
A cumulative changelog can be found here
- Updated for 1.21.2-1.21.3
- Restructured build to be up to 80% less screwy or less
A cumulative changelog can be found here
- Marked as compatible with 1.21.1
- Minor internal change
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Updated for 1.21
A cumulative changelog can be found here
- Marked as compatible with 1.20.6
- Increased minimum Minecraft version to 1.20.5
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Marked as compatible with 1.20.5
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Marked as compatible with 1.20.3 and 1.20.4
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Updated for 1.20.2
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Blocks tagged with "defaulted_drops:needs_silk_touch" will now only drop if they were broken using a tool with silk touch.
A cumulative changelog can be found here
- NOTICE: If you use this library in your mod, please let me know; whether it's on discord, CurseForge, or even in an issue on the repo! I have no indication that this library sees actual use, so I'm considering leaving it on 1.20 if I still don't know it's seeing use when 1.21 releases.
- Updated for 1.20 and 1.20.1!
- Added special case for slabs: double slabs will drop two items
- Added special case for two-tall blocks: only the bottom half of two-tall blocks will drop an item
- Added "survives_explosion" check for all defaulted drops
- Thanks to Siuol for the idea of adding special cases for slabs and two-tall blocks!
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Marked as compatible with 1.19.3 and 1.19.4
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Marked as compatible with 1.19.2
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Marked as compatible with 1.19.1
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Updated for 1.19!
A cumulative changelog can be found here
Release version for 1.18.2
A cumulative changelog can be found here
First release version!
A cumulative changelog can be found here