Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 11 months ago
Updated 12 months ago
Command-it is a fabric mod that adds server-side customization of the vanilla game through new Gamerules and Commands. It also adds a warps and homes system that are disabled by default but can be enabled by an operator.
doPlayersDropHeads [Boolean (Default:false)]
- Determines if players drop their head upon death.
canPlayersSitOnStairs [Boolean (Default:false)]
- Allows players to sit on stairs. Useful for role-play or just for fun.
doPVP [Boolean (Default:true)]
- Enables / Disables PVP server-wide.
doDispensersPlaceBlocks [Boolean (Default:false)]
- Allows dispensers to place blocks instead of spitting them out on the ground.
pistonPushLimit [Integer (Default:12)]
- Allows pistons to push more/less blocks than vanilla.
- Defaults at the vanilla limit.
- Animations break when pushing over the vanilla limit. As it doesn't effect gameplay I have no plans to fix the animation.
doLodestoneCompassRequireLodestone [Boolean (Default:true)]
- When disabled prevents lodestone compass spinning wildly when the connected lodestone is destroyed
disableEndPortals [Boolean (Default:false)]
- Disables use of portals to travel to the End Dimension
disableNetherPortals [Boolean (Default:false)]
- Disables use of portals to travel to the Nether Dimension
doExplosionsBreakBlocks [Boolean (Default:true)]
- When disabled will cause explosions to not destroy the surrounding environment while still damaging entities.
doBadSpawnpointsExplode [Boolean (Default:true)]
- When disabled will prevent beds in the end or nether, and respawn anchors in the overworld and end from exploding and killing the player with intentional game design.
doThrownItemsKnockback [Boolean (Default:false)]
- When enabled allows items like snowballs and eggs to knockback players. (In vanilla they only knockback non-player entities)
featherFallingProtectsFarmland [Boolean (Default:false)]
- When enabled jumping on farmland while wearing feather falling boots will prevent damaging crops.
/explode <power> [<targetEntity>|<targetPos>] [<createsFire>]
- Creates an explosion at the target entity/position using the given parameters.
- When using a target entity uses that entity as the explosion source preventing them from taking damage.
/smite <targetEntity>
- Summons lightning striking the target entity.
/freeze <targetEntity> [<ticks>]
- Applies freezing ticks to the provided entity.
/burn <targetEntity> [<ticks>]
- Applies fire ticks to the provided entity.
/heal <targetEntity> [<amount>]
- Heals the target entity.
/enderchest <player>
- Shortcut: /echest <player>
- Allows admins to view and modify another player's enderchest.
/inventory <player>
- Shortcut: /inv <player>
- Allows admins to view and modify another player's inventory.
/animate <player> <itemStack>
- Plays the floating item animation to the specified player using the specified item.
- Note: only works if the client has JAPI installed.
/fenchant <target> <enchantment> [<level>]
- Similar to the vanilla /enchant command but removes several limitations allowing illegal enchantment combinations and levels.
Homes & Warps
Homes if enabled allows players to set a home and be able to teleport back to it later.
Gamerule: enableHomes [Boolean (Default:false)]
- When enabled allows use of /home and /sethome commands.
- Saves the players current position as their home.
- Teleports the player to their home after a short delay.
- Warp will be canceled if the player takes damage during the delay.
Warps have to be set up by a server operator.
Gamerule: ticksToWarp [Integer (Default:100)]
- Changes the amount of in-game ticks (1 tick = 1/20 second) it takes for the server to teleport a player to their home or to a warp.
- Lists the names of all available warps on the server.
/setwarp <name> [<pos>]
- Creates a warp with the given name at the given location.
/delwarp <name>
- Deletes the specified warp from the server.
/warp <name>
- Teleports the player to the specified warp after a short delay.
- Warp will be canceled if the player takes damage during the delay.