- Added config option to multiply energy costs for item transmutation (thanks to @James103)
- Fixed item transmutation operations not being limited by available network energy
- Nerfed default transmutation energy cost from 1 EMC/AE to 2000 (in line with direct EMC transfer operations such as Klein Star filling)
- Promoted to "stable"
- Added "unlearn" slot to the Transmutation Terminal menu
- Fixed "learn all" button on the Transmutation Terminal still consuming already-learned items
- Fixed Storage Buses attached to ME Transmutation Interfaces referring to Transmutation Modules instead
- Added Simplified Chinese localisation
- Reworked EMC auto-crafting to be a bit more dynamic based on the amount of transmutable items requested
- Buffed the crafting storage usage of EMC in bytes
- Added config option for the above amount of EMC per byte
As always, please report any major issues on GitHub.