Minevolution Evo-Reborn v0.1.0 ALPHA
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21.4!
- Added 2 new axes(stone).
- Added the Achievement Hall
- Earn Titles as you progress, which upgrade your enviornment & unlock areas.
- Some things now unlock at different points.
- Complete Achievements... cus you can.
- Currently only one achievement has been added, and it is super secret...
- Earn Titles as you progress, which upgrade your enviornment & unlock areas.
- Add one "Basic Helper"
- "Basic Helpers" don't put their items into the bank. Instead they are dropped onto the stone itself.
- Added the Item Updater System
- This will make it so minor changes made to some items aren't a problem.
- Added custom advancement pages
- Titles - Title Advancement Page requires Titles On The Go upgrade to show your unlocked titles.
- This upgrade is coming in a future update!
- Achievements - Keep track of the achievements you have completed from anywhere.
- Unlocks - This menu will show the feature unlocks that you are working towards, plus what you already have and a brief description of what it does.
- Titles - Title Advancement Page requires Titles On The Go upgrade to show your unlocked titles.
- Minor changes to the map build.
- Unlockables now use the Title system.
- Planned but unimplimented items now show up as "Coming Soon".
- Balanced axes
- Changed a little pricing.
- Moved from unbreaking to custom max durability.
- Item Changes
- Lots of them.
Minevolution Evo-Reborn v0.0.2 ALPHA
- Updated to 24w35a (1.21.2 snapshot)
- While I generally wont be updating to snapshots in the future, this snapshot line fixes a bug with a critical item, so I would rather go ahead and get the update out of the way before most people have a chance to get that far.
- Added Day/Night Cycle
- Unlike vanilla minecraft, with 20 ticks per second, this daytime cycle only progresses at 1 tick per second.
- This makes an in-game day take 5.6 hours.
- Will actually be used in the Banking Update.
- Stop Weather from ticking.
- If you get stuck raining or something, just enable cheats by opening to lan and run
/weather clear
- If you get stuck raining or something, just enable cheats by opening to lan and run
- Updated litterally every build in the map (yes even the unreleased ones).
- Improved Lighting
- Groundwork for future updates
- New areas
- Etc.
- You now gain 1 "Basic Birch" axe on first load.
- During testing I encountered some inconsistency. Please let me know if you experience this also. For now I have kept the chest full of axes due to this.
- Fix Birch Extract being consumable(fix made possible by snapshot).
- Fix trash can not being a trapped chest to lock the hopper while you are dumping.
- Fix a core issue with the updater.
- A different issue created by snapshots(1.21.2) means you may see some updates as they happen.
Known Issues
- Messages referencing a non-existant Resource Pack slipped through Development. A resourcepack is planned in a future update!
MVER v0.0.1
Initial Release Notes
Hello! This version of the old Minecraft Map Minevolution has been in development for so long, you would wonder why there is so little content. This is because the core has been buggy 90% of the time, and took full work days to make little progress.
There are many planned updates to come out in the coming months, make the content actually fun, but this is the base.
Unlike the old prebuilt world, this is a datapack(with a mod version too). This comes with the ability to update your pack seamlessly, with many update systems custom built for this specific minigame.