Minecraft: Java Edition
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Licensed ARR
Published last year
Updated last week
- Brewing stand gui
- Purple copper ingot
Additions: ENTITIES
- Fishing bobber
- Equipped elytra
- Basalt
- Beehive
- Beetroots all stages
- Black glazed terracotta
- Blackstone
- Bone block
- Brain coral block
- Bubble coral block
- Cake
- Cherry sapling
- Coal block
- Cracked nether bricks
- Crimson fungus
- Crimson nylium
- Crimson roots
- Crimson stem
- Dead brain coral block
- Dead bubble coral block
- Dead fire coral
- Dead fire coral block
- Emerald block
- Cut copper (all stages, except oxidized)
- Fire coral
- Fire coral block
- Gilded blackstone
- Glowstone
- Light gray glazed terracotta
- Magma
- Mud bricks
- Nether bricks
- Nether gold ore
- Nether quartz ore
- Nether sprouts
- Nether wart block
- Nether wart (all stages)
- Netherrack
- Packed mud
- Polished andesite
- Polished diorite
- Polished granite
- Prismarine
- Quartz block
- Raw gold block
- Red nether bricks
- Redstone block
- Slime block
- Soul sand
- Soul soil
- Sponge
- Twisting vines
- Warped fungus
- Warped nylium
- Warped roots
- Warped stem
- Warped netherwart block
- Weeping vines
- Golden carrot
- Mushroom stew
- Acacia boat
- Acacia chest boat
- Amethyst shard
- Apple
- Baked potato
- Barrier
- Beetroot
- Beetroot seeds
- Beetroot soup
- Birch boat
- Birch chest boat
- Candles (all)
- Blaze powder
- Blaze rod
- Breeze rod
- Bone
- Bone meal
- Bread
- Bucket
- Bundle
- Bundle filled
- Cake
- Campfire
- Carrot
- Chainmail armor
- Cherry boat
- Cherry chest boat
- Clay ball
- Clock
- Cocoa beans
- Raw cod
- Cod in bucket
- Compass
- Cooked beef
- Cooked cod
- Cooked mutton
- Cookie
- Banner patterns
- Crossbow
- Dark oak boat
- Dark oak chest boat
- Diamond armor
- Egg
- Elytra
- Ender eye
- Empty slot quartz
- Empty armor slots
- Ender pearl
- XP Bottle
- Fermented spider eye
- Filled map
- Filled map markings
- Firework
- Fishing rod
- Flower pot
- Ghast tear
- Glass bottle
- Glow berries
- Glow ink sac
- Gold nugget
- Golden apple
- Golden armor
- Honey bottle
- Ink sac
- Iron armor
- Jungle boat
- Jungle chest boat
- Kelp
- Lava bucket
- Leather
- Leather armor
- Mangrove boat
- Mangrove chest boat
- Map
- Melon seeds
- Milk bucket
- Music discs (all)
- Raw mutton
- Nether sprouts
- Neterite armor
- Oak boat
- Oak chest boat
- Paper
- Potato
- Potions
- Pumpkin seeds
- Nether quartz
- Recovery compass
- Slime ball
- Soul campfire
- Spawn eggs
- Splash potions
- Spruce boat
- Spruce chest boat
- Spyglass
- String
- Sweet berries
- Water bucket
- Wheat seeds
- Item armor trims
Prime's HD Textures (32x).zip(19.13 MiB) Primary
Release channel
BetaVersion number
35Game versions
260Publication date
September 6, 2024 at 11:41 AMPublisher
