Minecraft: Java Edition
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rip and tear
- Now incompatible with Phosphor and BetterPortals.
- Both of these mods use ancient mixins that conflict with Mixinbooter.
- To clarify, the issue is with the Forge version of Phosphor, since it is no longer supported. There are other lighting mods for 1.12.2, though.
- Both of these mods use ancient mixins that conflict with Mixinbooter.
- Now incompatible with Phosphor and BetterPortals.
- UI is less confusing
- Wells will appear every 10 days, make a Well Divining Rod and 10 or so Well Sealers to find and destroy them, respectively.
- Wells are not visible, the only way you'll know it's there is with the Well Divining Rod, or the Well Sealer if close enough.
- The Masticator, make the fields beautiful!
- Item-related config restructuring. Redo your configs!
- Minor balancing changes
- Latch Fixes
- Threat Fixes and Changes
- Compat fixes
- No more Natural Regen
- RPL got ax'd
- Friendly Orbs are friendly
- Marauder and Adapted Bolster special attack Rage
Most brew effects have had their biomass costs reduced.
The mod has transitioned back to depending on Mixinbooter.
- You can visit the SRP Discord if you want more context regarding this change, and why I originally switched off.
- I have since resolved most of the issues regarding using mixinbooter (It was not a fun experience, hence why I switched off originally), but for now Phosphor and BetterPortals are incompatible again.
The Mangler has had its biomass cost reduced, and creation time increased.
Minimum bloom requirement for making Gloom Torches reduced to 0.
Modified messages and overlay to make mechanics more obvious.
- Things like getting factory drops or the amount of biomass needed for them are now told to the player somehow.
- Factory trades also mention the amount of biomass needed, if applicable.
Deploying a Latch now has a half-second cooldown
Relogging should no longer create floating unbound Latches.
The Threat looks different now.
Armageddon is enabled by default, but only Wells are active. The rest of the mechanics are still disabled by default.
Fixed Ante failing to increase if the world was closed before the milestone.
Fixed likely Armageddon Timer desync whenever players sleep.
- Originally, whenever you slept, it would subtract a full night's worth of ticks, even if you didn't sleep at exactly the start of nighttime.
- This means you'd have much less time than you expected.
Also, changed the amount of Nighttime ticks since those were technically incorrect too, they were supposed to be 11000.
- You can only actually sleep once the time reaches 13000, not 12000.
Fixed Gene Desplicer & Cytokine Mutator from HA failing to work at all.
The Masticator, a tool that spews toxic, infectious miasmic clouds, has been added. It behaves much like a Flamethrower.
- The clouds deal Minimum Damage to entities inside, as well as applying COTH and stacking Corrosion & Poison.
- It can only infest blocks after Phase 4. It also generates fewer points than if a Beckon infested them, but only by a factor of 5.
- Can be created by giving a Stage I Beckon Moldered Segments, which can be obtained by trading a Living Core to a Factory.
- The Fetid "Canisters" which serve as its fuel can be created using Beckon Membranes and various parasite parts.
Wells are now in the mod.
Every 10 days, a Well will manifest in a randomly chosen dimension. By default, they can appear anywhere within a 10,000 block radius of 0, 0.
- Wells are completely invisible to all forms of detection, only a Well Divining Rod can indicate their location, and even then, poorly.
- Dimensions can be blacklisted to prevent wells from spawning in them.
- Each active well will drain Evolution Points in all dimensions each day (or whatever interval is set in the config).
- They also boost Ante gained every 10 days.
New Item: Well Divining Rod
- Emits a spark in the direction of the nearest Well, if applicable.
- It will instead tell you the dimension its in if it is in a different dimension.
New Block: Well Sealer
- Damages a nearby Well for 10 damage. Wells have 100 health by default. These can be configured.
- It works a lot like a Lure block, minus the Carcass functionality.
The Stored Parasite overlay now has an indicator for the key presses needed to store a parasite. (Usually SHIFT+R, or R plus whatever key you use to sneak)
- The indicator only shows if you can store a parasite, or release it.
Modified Factory tooltip, replacing Mouse2 with Right Click to reduce ambiguity.
- Each line also has a starting dash to reduce clutter.
New item: Putrid Unit
- Use a factory to get drops from a Feral Parasite to obtain this item
- Used to make the Dendritus instead of the Noxious Brain, so it is easier to obtain.
- It's intended that parasite players use a Vermin or Gnat factory to get this item, but if 60 kills works for you go off I guess.
- Gating it behind Pures makes catching up with the parasites somewhat difficult, especially if a Beckon is active.
Lowered the Phase 3 Burning event point loss to 400, from 3000.
Parasites no longer receive Natural Regeneration.
Random Point Loss is now disabled by default.
Effects applied via orbs from other parasites are now applied if the effect is meant to be given to other parasites.
- So Adapted Summoners will give you Speed if you are in the orb range, etc.
The Special Attacks of the Marauder and Adapted Bolster should not affect parasite players anymore.
- Additionally, they should now give Rage to nearby parasite players when the attack concludes.
Parasite Players will receive Rage whenever the Evolution Phase is reduced.
Binding Factories to Dispatchers is now possible again.
Config Changes
Settings for the Trustworthy Note and Phase Boosters have been moved to the "Item Settings" category.
- Brews have not been affected by this change.
Item Settings - Masticator Block Value - The amount of points gained when The Masticator infests a block. Defaults to 10
Item Settings - Masticator Minimum Phase - The minimum Evolution Phase needed for the Masticator to infest blocks. Defaults to 4
Factory Behavior - Item Trades - added "srparasites:living_core;srpcotesia:moldered_segments;3"
Random Point Loss - Enabled - Now disabled by default.
Random Point Loss - Phase 3 Point Loss - Reduced to 400, from 3000
Armageddon - Nighttime Ticks - 11000, from 13000.
New Category: Well
Hunger Rework - Natural Regeneration - Defaults to false.
Biomass - Parasite Cost Settings - Reduced biomass cost of srparasites:mangler to 15, and increased creation time by 3 seconds (60 ticks)
Factory Behavior - Item Trades - reduced srpcotesia:gloomtorch bloom requirement to 0, from 2.
Factory Behavior - Extra Parasite Drops - added srpcotesia:putrid_unit to each feral parasite.
Brews - Recipes - Brew Effect Recipes - Reduced most biomass costs. "srparasites:lurecomponent1;turn;5", "srparasites:lurecomponent2;harm;5", "minecraft:fermented_spider_eye;poisonBane;3", "minecraft:nether_star;witherBane;3", "minecraft:gunpowder;explosion;10"
Brews - Recipes - Brew Potion Recipes - Reduced most biomass costs "minecraft:skull#1;minecraft:wither;-1;2;false", "srparasites:lurecomponent5;srpcotesia:scrying;4;5;false", "srparasites:ada_reeker_drop;srparasites:viral;-1;10;false", "srparasites:ada_yelloweye_drop;srparasites:corrosive;-1;1;false", "srparasites:ada_summoner_drop;srparasites:rage;1;2;true", "srparasites:ada_bolster_drop;srpcotesia:recuperation;-1;5;true", "minecraft:sugar;minecraft:speed;1;5;true", "srparasites:ada_manducater_drop;minecraft:invisibility;1;20;true"
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154Publication date
April 6, 2024 at 2:49 AMPublisher
Developer and "Artist"