Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 9 months ago
Updated 5 days ago
(Beta 1.7.2) (Third update in the Bree-Land release cycle)
- Blocks
- Fixed Axes not mining Wattle and Daub blocks faster
- Ported Bree-land Banner
- Config
- Changed structureBlockOutlineViewDistance option from a float to an integer (will cause the value to reset to default)
- Entities
- Added Hireable Gundabad Orc Units
- Added Hireable Dunedain Ranger Units
- Fixed Structure Entity spawners not rendering debug viewer when in dev mode
- Ported Gundabad Chieftains
- Ported Ranger of the North Captains
- Hired Units
- Added a Datapack driven system for defining hired units (localization strings, coin cost, pledge requirements, alignment threshold, base gear pools) (This enable modpacks or servers to tweak hired unit parameters)
- Added a new setting in the options menu to toggle FriendlyFire with hired units owned by the player
- Fixed some compatibility issues with LOTR: Companions (for R+E1.7.2 + future companions update)
- Fixed units Friendly Fire not respecting fellowship FriendlyFire settings
- Fixed units being immune to ally (own) arrows or self lit TNT (enableable via PvHU setting)
- Fixed units health bars not hiding when F1 is pressed (hideGui)
- Fixed units not Fast Traveling with their owner
- Fixed units not being damaged by owners when Friendly Fire was enabled (enableable via PvHU setting now)
- Fixed units not dropping player supplied equipment when killed.
- Fixed units not dropping their 9-slot inventory when killed
- Fixed units reviving themselves with passive healing after death. (becoming undead)
- Fixed units teleporting onto non-solid or invalid blocks
- Fixed units teleporting while in mid air
- Made base equipment not render in inventory when player equipped armor is present
- Units can now equip skulls, player heads, pumpkins (all 3 variants), and elytra (visual only)
- Items
- Added Bree Shields
- Added a Bree Banner Pattern
- Added a Hobbit Banner Pattern
- Buffed Morgul Armor to balance it because it does not have the weapon breaking feature
- Fixed shears not shearing some blocks faster
- Nerfed Taurethrim armor stats to align with legacy values
- Localization
- Added an initial Bosnian language translation (bs_ba) (Bosanski (Bosna i Hercegovina))
- Added an initial Croatian language translation (hr_hr) (Hrvatski (Hrvatska))
- Added an initial French language translation (fr_fr) (Français (France))
- Added an initial Serbian (Latin) language translation (sr_cs) (Srpski (Srbija))
- Added localization support for all the hired unit inventory strings
- Fixed Bree-land strings using Bree-Land
- Updated Chinese (Taiwan; Mandarin) translation (zh_tw) (繁體中文 (台灣))
- Updated Renewed’s Chinese (Taiwan) speechbank translations (zh_tw) (繁體中文 (台灣))
- Updated Renewed’s Chinese (Taiwan) translation (zh_tw) (繁體中文 (台灣))
- Loot Tables
- Fixed Bree Hamlets chests sometimes spawning with 25+ bows in a chest
- Misc
- Added Gemstone grinding to the Stone Grinder (Ores->Gems for Extended, Renewed, and Vanilla gems)
- Added chair denied status debug logging to troubleshoot player issues
- Fixed Stone Grinder turning bricks into bricks
- Fixed several items being in the wrong creative tabs
- Fixed two Rohan advancements having flipped names
- Renewed Patches
- Fixed a bug where player alignment bars render even if Team disallows nameplate rendering
- Potentially fixed the elusive (Drystone/WattleDaub) connected texture crash (Thanks to everyone who reported this issue, was I was able to track down the potential issue that was causing it, TLDR: Java 9+ changed some things that caused texture queries to sometimes conflict causing a ConcurrentModificationException)
- Textures
- Added an all new designed Bree Banner and Shield texture
- Reworked the leather hat model
- Updated Dunedain Shield texture
- Trading
- Fixed Oddment Collectors selling vanilla emeralds